The New England Way A mixture of religion and politics based on the following principles.
Self-Government Local control over religious and political matters.
Limited Government If man, conceived in original sin-cannot govern himself, how can he govern others.
Individualism One on one relationship with God. Everyone should be able to read the Bible for himself/herself. (Has an effect on literacy and education)
Community’s Right to Control It is the community’s right to control all of it’s members in the common interest (living by God’s laws). Strict laws and rigid enforcement were necessary whenever the community was held to be threatened from within or without.
Other Values Live serious purposeful lives Work Ethic-accumulate wealth, develop skills, encourage enterprise Education-1647 MA law establishes public schools Bible Study-even girls read (equal rights?) Church center of community Strict laws-the pillory, ducking stool, public penance, wearing letters, branding, whipping, branks, stocks
Activity Tolerance: The capacity for or the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others. Activity: Write an obituary or encyclopedia/Wikipedia entry describing the major contributions of your individual which explains their own personal beliefs, then compare this person’s idea of tolerance to our modern day understanding tolerance.