Secretary Class Sheets Judges Card Ring Steward sheet Grand & Reserve Champion Challenge
Add Show name, date and Judges to top Add “mail to and address” Add entry fee and if want, late fee by “date due by”. *This would be a good spot to add “special drawing for entries in before due date”. Print copies or send as attachment Exhibitors can type in entry information and save for printing or back to Show Secretary.
Exhibitor Name_______________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Phone #_____________ Pen Fees: # of pens ___x $0.00/day = _____________ If needed to sanction, I can bring additional _______ Total Enclosed $__________. Make Check payable to _________________There will be a $25.00 charge for returned checks and possible loss of future showing privilege NAME & DATE OF SHOW: _______________ Ring 1: Judge ____________ Ring 2: Judge ____________ Ring 3: Judge ____________ Ring 4: Judge ____________ ENTRY FEE: $ Entries must be postmarked by ______ $_____late fee will be imposed. ONE EXHIBITOR PER ENTRY FORM Exhibitor/owner name: Mailing address: Boer Show _________ Market Goat __________ Mail entries to: Phone number: Cell number: address: R1R2 Class # Goat ‘s Elite/ Ennobl e pts Name Of Goat REG. #DOBTATTOO RE/LE JR.SR.
Entry Form Judges Card Ring Steward sheet Grand & Reserve Champion Challenge
Sheets need to be completed before show date. Enter show name and date Class name and # Under Ring #1 and Ring #2 add last name of Judge(s). Before show time Exhibitors must check in with the show secretary to verify correctness of the entry form to the secretary class sheet goats are entered in the correct class, registration number date of birth, tattoos and owner.
Name of Goat: Exhibitor:Owner: Back # Reg. # DOBRing #1 PLACEPLACE Ring #2 PLACEPLACE Total Entries (Name and date of show here) Class #_________
Entry Form Secretary Class Sheets Ring Steward sheet Grand & Reserve Champion Challenge
Fill out the class number. Even if there isn’t any entries for that class. Have the Judge sign and mark “0”. # of entries that entered the ring. Judge’s last name with first initial. *I like to use different color font for each Judge. Back # next to the placing. Judge must sign bottom before card can be turned into the Ring Steward. Print before show date and have ready for Judge.
CLASS # CLASS # # of entries: ___________ # of entries: __________ JUDGE: JUDGE: PLACE: BACK #: PLACE: BACK #: 1. ____________________ 1. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 3. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 4. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ 6. _____________________ Signature:_______________ Signature: _______________
Entry Form Secretary Class Sheets Grand & Reserve Champion Challenge
Fill out before show date and update up to the last moment so Ring Steward is aware of changes. Ring Steward will mark off exhibitors as they enter ring. Ring Steward should be checking back # also. This is also a good spot to leave a special attention note from Show Secretary. These sheets can assist Ring Steward in barn calls to keep exhibitors current on classes.
Name of Goat Exhibitor Back # DOB Ring #1 PLACEPLACE Ring #2 PLACEPLACE
Enter class # along with Judge’s last name and initial (*use same font color per Judge). Judge will enter “Grand” Goat once ear tattoo's have been verified. Judge will enter “Reserve” Goat once ear tattoo has been verified. Once Grand & Reserve have been verified goats may exit arena. Judge needs to sign bottom even if no entries.
Class #Class Name: Grand & Reserve Judge: Grand:Back # Reserve:Back # Signature:
Fill out the class # and name List the Judge by the last name (*use different color font for each Judge) Once Judge has verified tattoo on Champion that back # will be listed on the card Make sure Judge sign’s card even if no entries (note if “0” entries on card)
Class #Class Name Champion Challenge Judge: Champion Challenge:Back # Reserve Champion Challenge:Back # Signature:
Show Manager needs to float between the many different jobs and be fully capable to fill in any job if needed. By the time the goats are entering the ring. Most of the hard work should be done. Plan ahead! Keep shows “FUN” and organized. Any questions or comments?