Objective You will use the theory of plate tectonics in order to explain the changes in the earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes Warm-up Along what types of boundaries do earthquakes generally occur? DAY 36
Earthquakes 101 EARTHQUAKES
Using your geology dictionary and text book define the key terms on the first pages of your note sheet. Make sure you provide you own example or connection/ way to remember what it is. You will have minutes to complete this! EARTHQUAKES
The amount of force or stress rocks will withstand before they break and an earthquake occurs. ELASTIC LIMIT
Normal Fault: Type of stress: Tension Boundary: Divergent Description: Rock above moves downward in relation to the rock below EARTHQUAKES: TYPES OF FAULTS
Thrust(reverse) Fault: Type of stress: Compression Boundary: Convergent Description: Rock above moves upward in relation to the rock below EARTHQUAKES: TYPES OF FAULTS
Strike-Slip Fault: Type of stress: Shearing Boundary: Transform Description: Rock slides next to each other: transform EARTHQUAKES: TYPES OF FAULTS
Seismic waves- waves or vibrations produced by an earthquake Seismologist- Scientist who studies Earthqaukes Seismograph- instrument used to determine Magnitude of the Earthquake EARTHQUAKES: SEISMIC WAVES
Primary(P) Waves Speed: Fastest Wavelength: Shortest Travels through: Any material (solids and liquids) Motion: direct line EARTHQUAKES: SEISMIC WAVES
Secondary(S) Waves Speed: ½ as fast as a P wave Wavelength: longer than P waves Travels through: only solids (mantle) Motion: Moves forward in an UP & Down motion (inch worm) EARTHQUAKES: SEISMIC WAVES
Love(L) Waves Speed: slowest wave Wavelength: longest and most destructive Travels through: along the surface Motion: circular motion (drop of water in a puddle) EARTHQUAKES: SEISMIC WAVES
EARTHQUAKES: SEISMOGRAM Used to determine distance and epicenter of the earthquake
Magnitude: strength of an earthquake Richter Scale : open-ended scale used to rate an earthquakes magnitude. Each magnitude releases 32 times more ENERGY! MEASURING EARTHQUAKES:
EARTHQUAKES Fun Fact: Some earthquakes release so much energy that they knock the earth off of its axis by an extremely small amount. Ex: Chili Quake in 2010
When they happen Without warning In areas where they have occurred before Along plate boundaries GET THE FACTS: EARTHQUAKES
How people die: The collaspe of buildings and falling debris Gas leaks Fires Fire caused by an Earthquake GET THE FACTS: EARTHQUAKES
Huge tidal wave created by an earthquake under the ocean floor TSUNAMI
Explain how earthquakes are responsible for changes in the earth’s surface? CLOSURE
Objective You will use the theory of plate tectonics and the changes in the earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes in order to determine the epicenter of an earthquake. Warm-up What can you tell me about the energy released during an earthquake? FEBRUARY 6 TH
Explain how seismographs are used to locate the epicenter of an earthquake? CLOSURE
FEBRUARY 11 TH Objective You will use the theory of plate tectonics in order to explain the changes in the earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes and volcanoes. Warm-up Describe the sequence and travel patterns of seismic waves after an earthquake.
GALLERY WALK You will have 20(~1 min per cover) minutes to walk around and view each of your peers Magazine cover. On your sheet you will need to record the following: Who it belongs to What you liked or what they did well What you would change (constructive feedback)
REVIEW GAME Using the active votes type in the correct vocab word to answer the question.
CLOSURE Explain the differences in the changes made to the earth’s surface by volcanoes and earthquakes. Quest Next class: Earthquakes and Volcanoes
FEB 13 TH Objective You will use knowledge of plate tectonic and the changes made to the earth as a result of quakes and Volcanoes in order to complete Earthquake and Volcano assessment. Warm-Up Write a question you have about volcanoes and/or earthquakes. Get out Volcano and Earthquake Notes
CLOSURE We have ended geology and will be moving into earth’s history next class. Explain what you think is meant by earth history.