Examples and opportunities of harmonized communication on Resilience with stakeholders Somalia NGO Consortium, Resilience Working Group 13 October
Degree of coordination Collaboration (join effort in some activities) Coordination (approach, locality, messages) Sharing (info/ knowledge) 2 1)Define broad common vision 2)Not necessarily all to do all, but each will contribute to some 3)Not to define the MUST do, but to agree on MUST NOT do
Government Local authority/ local bodies Community Local committee (e.g. VDC, DRRC) 1) System approach 3
2) Characteristics of resilient communities 4 1)Economic opportunities 2)Knowledge & health 3)Organized 4)Connected 5)Natural resources 6)Infrastructure and service
Vulnerability to Resilience Framework (V2R) 5 Practical Action
3) Examples of coordinated effort in Bangladesh National Alliance for Risk Reduction and Response Initiative (NARRI) is a consortium of INGOs working on Disaster Risk Reduction and Response in Bangladesh. It comprises ten INGOs namely ActionAid International, Care International, Concern Universal, Concern Worldwide, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Oxfam, Plan International, Solidarities’ International, HelpAge International and Handicap International. (started 2010) 6
Disaster Risk Assessment Disaster Risk Reduction / Contingency Planning Resource Mobilization Implementation of the Plans Monitoring and Learning CBDP 3) Examples of coordinated effort in Bangladesh
COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH (Bangladesh) Ensuring effective functioning of Disaster Management Committees (DMC) Risk Reduction Action Plan contributing to (Annual Development plan) ADP Mainstreaming DRR into ADPs Replication and sustainability
4) Nepal Risk Reduction Consortium ( ) 9
12 5) Opportunities in coordinated effort Knowledge sharing Harmonized external messages on resilience (what, strategies, roles of each...) Coordinate on localities Advocate on risk mapping Coordinated approach on resilience programming (key steps, key outcome, common tools, M&E, etc) Joint activities (capacity building, advocacy)