U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 1 3/1/2007 BNCOC PA Supervisor Course Information Operations
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 2 3/1/2007 Terminal Learning Objective Action: Identify the core elements of Information Operations and their relation to Public Affairs. Condition: Given a classroom environment, student materials, FM , FM 3-13 and SGL instruction. Standard: Identified the core elements of Information Operations and their relation to Public Affairs.
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 3 3/1/2007 References FM , Public Affairs Tactics, Techniques and Procedures FM 3-13, Information Operations
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 4 3/1/2007 Core, Supporting and Related Elements Know which staff elements compose the Information Operations Cell Understand IO terms Understand offensive and defensive IO Overview
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 5 3/1/2007 “Information is the currency of victory on the battlefield.” Gen. Gordon Sullivan Former Army C/S What is Information?
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 6 3/1/2007 What is Information Ops? An integrated effort that synchronizes the effects of IO elements/related activities to accomplish specific objectives designated by the commander. FM 3-13 Integrated and synchronized actions taken to inform and influence adversarial, neutral, and friendly audiences in support of full spectrum operations. FM 3-13 UPDATE It is the means commanders use to mass the effects of the information element of combat power.
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 7 3/1/2007 Operations Security (OPSEC) Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Military Deception (MD) Electronic Warfare (EW) Computer Network Operations (CNO) Core Elements of IO
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 8 3/1/2007 Operations Security (OPSEC) Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Military Deception (MD) Electronic Warfare (EW) Computer Network Operations (CNO) Core Elements of IO
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 9 3/1/2007 Physical destruction Information assurance Physical security Counterintelligence Counter deception Counter propaganda Supporting Elements of IO
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 10 3/1/2007 Public Affairs Civil Military Operations Related Activities of IO
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 11 3/1/2007 Deceptionplanner ComputerNetworkOperations OperationsSecurity PSYOP ElectronicWarfare SpecialOperations Civil Affairs PublicAffairs J Staffs Sample IO cell
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 12 3/1/2007 Information Environment The aggregate of individuals, organizations, or systems that collect, process, or disseminate information, including the information itself. JP 3-13
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 13 3/1/2007 Information Superiority The capability to collect, process, and disseminate an uninterrupted flow of information while exploiting or denying an adversary’s ability to do the same. JP 3-13
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 14 3/1/2007 Information Fratricide When two or more IO elements impede the commander’s plan: friendly force jamming that degrades friendly radio communications. working with an international organization that is locally controlled by a leader opposed to the US effort PSYOP and PA themes and messages that aren’t synchronized.
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 15 3/1/2007 Civil military operations Public Affairs PA and CMO can create conditions that contribute to information superiority. They contribute to support of Army operations by US and international audiences, and maintain relations with the civilian populace in the AO. FM 3-13 CMO/PAO & information superiority
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 16 3/1/2007 Offensive IO Applies perception management actions Public Affairs PSYOP OPSEC Military Deception These may apply attack options like Electronic Warfare and physical attack/destruction to produce a synergistic effect
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 17 3/1/2007 How’s my Invading?
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 18 3/1/2007 Integrate and coordinate protection and defense of information and information systems C4OPS Sensors weapon systems decision makers Defensive IO are an integral part of overall force protection Defensive IO
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 19 3/1/2007 IO objectives are stated in terms of ‘Effects’ (FM 3-13) Defensive IO Protect Detect Restore Respond Offensive IO Destroy Disrupt Degrade Deny Deceive Exploit Influence IO Objectives
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 20 3/1/2007 Both are necessary for mission success Defensive IO must be integrated with offensive IO to provide a timely response “In war, the defensive exists mainly that the offensive may act more freely.” Rear Admiral Alfred Thayer Mahan, Naval Strategy, 1911 Integrating Defensive IO w/ Offensive IO
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 21 3/1/2007 Public Affairs Effects If you are told the truth about an issue and you believe it, have you been influenced? Does Public Affairs purvey the “truth”? …or does Public Affairs purvey “truth with intent”?
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 22 3/1/2007 PA tasks Supporting IO Media guidance/Q&As Embedding Crisis reporting plans Media content analysis Command Information Ground rules Press conferences Media visits/events Press releases/articles Specific talking points Synchronized messages Media Analysis
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 23 3/1/2007 Synchronization Matrix TargetPublic AffairsPSYOPCMOComCam Flood reliefMedia queries are forwarded to STRATCOM (MNFI PA) * Develop proposed themes and messages * Work with CMO to provide media opportunities with NGOs and relief workers * Plan/coordinate support to Iraqi Gov’t in informing public * Emplacing SOMS- B near Fallujah * Assist Iraqi Gov’t in message disimination *contingency plans w/Iraqi Gov’t * Advise on emergency needs & requirements * CMOC coordination with local (formal & informal) leaders, NGOs and public organizations * Coordination thru MNFI for IO/NGO * All media provided to JCCMT * Product supports PA & PSYOP missions
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 24 3/1/2007 Examined which staff elements compose the Information Operations Cell Reviewed IO terms Defined offensive and defensive IO Summary
U.S. ARMY 4632A21 Information Operations and Public Affairs 25 3/1/2007 Objective To present a broad overview of PA’s role in Information Operations