by Dimitri Holliday Shroder High School Grade 12
What are your thoughts about wheelchair bound?
“Wheelchair Bound” is an inaccurate phrase used to refer to an individual in a wheelchair. It is objectionable because it creates a false impression that they are stuck in a wheelchair. Instead, we can say people who use a wheelchair.
The majority of people in a wheelchair have an degenerative muscle disease. There are many symptoms of degenerative muscle disease that lead up to loss of muscle mass and function. These symptoms include walking disabilities. Many people that are wheelchair bound, also have other illnesses such as hiring impairment, autism, and mental retardation.
Therapy is the most common treatment for those people in a wheelchair. The treatment tests the strength of the patient and then it helps them walk with assistance. Therapy allows those people who are in wheelchair a chance to walk again.
People say that those who are wheelchair bound, do not have a life like us, like “normal people.” What people fail to realize is that those who are in a wheelchair have the same life as we do; they just live their life a different way.
Life is very different for those who are in a wheelchair because they can’t do the things that we are used to doing. Ex: walking, running, driving, etc. Many people that are in a wheelchair find ways to to enjoy life just like us, such as playing sports and other recreations. There is an Olympic basketball league for those who are in a wheelchair.
We can treat people that are in a wheelchair the same way we treat each other. Many people treat those who are in a wheelchair like they don’t exist because of their condition. All people in a wheelchair should have the same amount of respect as we do, because they are no different than us. They are just in a wheelchair.
“Push Girls” is an new reality show that follows the personal lives of four women that are wheelchair-bound as they negotiate familiar struggles, from relationships and break-ups to motherhood.
How would your life be different if you were in a wheelchair?