Country Macro Factors on Motivation on Learning Spain
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS (1) Socio-economic context – Spain 1.Spain is undergoing a deep crisis that has halted its convergence process, widening unemployment rate (25.1%, the highest in Europe) 2.Youth unemployment is particularly worrying (52.9%) bringing a risk of creating a 'scarred' generation of young workers 3.The traditional Spanish growth model – based mainly on construction and other low added value activities – has come to an end 4.Internal GDP disparities did not broaden during the period of higher growth: great differences between north and south regions 5.Low competitiveness of SMEs and their scarce presence in international markets 6.Weak research and innovation system and the insufficient private-sector participation. 7.Inefficient use of natural resources (1) Spanish Report on Macro Factors for IMAL project, obtained from “Position Paper” and national data
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS (1) Socio-economic context – Spain 1.The main challenges are: a) Increasing productivity and competitiveness b) Fostering employment in a framework of fiscal consolidation and credit crunch. c) Establishing a strong link between productivity-enhancing measures, d) Leveraging private investment e) Boosting potential high growth sectors are crucial for Spain 2.In this context, it is needed: 1. Developing the human capital skills 2. Improve the quality of education and vocational training, 3. Address the high level of early school leaving and the mismatch between the high education attainment and the skills needs
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS (1) Socio-economic context – Spain Europe 2020 headline targetsCurrent situation in Spain National 2020 target in the NRP 3% of expenditure on research and development 1.39% (2010)3% 20% greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction compared to % (2010 emissions compared to 2005) -10% (2020 projections compared to 2005) -10% (national binding target for non-ETS sectors compared to 2005) 20% of energy from renewables13.8% (2010)20% 20% increase in energy efficiency7.7% (2010)20.1% or 25.2 Mtoe 75% of the population aged should be employed 61.6% (2011)74% (68.5% for women) 66% by 2015 The share of early school leavers should be under 10% 26.5% (2011)15% At least 40% of years old should have completed a tertiary or equivalent education 40.6% (2010)44% Reducing the number of people at risk of poverty or exclusion by 20 million in the EU 11.7 million (2010) 25.5% of population -1.4/1.5 million (over 2010 levels)
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS (2) Trust on Politic Situation Trust in Politic Situation Current Politic Situation Politic Expetations
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS (2) Trust on Economic Situation Trust in Economic Situation Current Economic Situation Economic Expetations
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS(2) Main Problems (September, 2014) Problem% of Relevance Unemployment75.3 Corruption and Fake42.7 Economic problems28.8 Politicians and Politics 25.8 (2) Source: CIS, 2014
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS(3) Trust in Institutions Government Enterprises Mass Media NGOs
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS(3) Trust in Institutions Government Enterprises Mass Media NGOs
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS(3) Trust in Enterprises Developed Emerging Spain
SPAIN MACRO FACTORS(3) Trust in Government (3) Source: Edeman Trust Barometer, 2014 Developed Emerging Spain
1.Statistics of mature adult participants in education (by groups of age) Source: INE
1. Statistics of mature adult participants in education Source: INE
Source: EUROSTAT, y/o
Source: EUROSTAT, y/o