Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 1
2 Precision Agriculture Introduction to Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Unit 6 – Lesson 6.3 This is My Land
3 Precision Agriculture Farm management strategy Uses Global Positioning System and Geographic Information system Goal is to improve agricultural production and efficiency. Image source:
4 Global Positioning System System of Satellites –24 satellites surrounding the earth –Use triangulation to determine the location x
5 Determining Location with GPS Location is found by Latitude – distance north or south of the equator –Equator-– circle around the earth an equal distance from north and south pole Longitude – distance east or west of the Prime Meridian –Prime Meridian – line that runs north and south and divides the earth into an east and west half
6 Integrates the multiple types of data about a specific point marked with a GPS unit Normally a computer application Can be used to improve productivity of a producer Geographic Information System
7 References Lee, J. (2001). Emerging technologies in agriculture. Electronic Instructional Library Lesson Plans. Alexandria, VA: The National Council for Agricultural Education. CAERT. (2009). Understanding land measurement and legal descriptions. Retrieved from doi: L090008