Slide 2 Legislative History: 2003 and later Profile of Learning repealed Commissioner required to create rigorous academic standards (Minn. Stat. §120B.02) Social studies standards created in 2004 Course credit requirements identified in all subjects (to begin with graduating class of ) Commissioner forbidden to develop statewide assessments for academic standards in social studies, health and physical education, and the arts (120B.30, subd. 1a)
Slide 3 Standards Review Cycle Standards Review Cycle Review Implement Standards Review Math Arts Science Language Arts Phy. Ed. (NASPE standards) Social Studies Health, World Languages, and Career and Technical Education to be reviewed on a locally determined cycle. (Minn. Stat. § 120B.023)
Slide 4 New state mandate: grade- specific standards K Grade-banded standards Grade-specific standards All Minnesota students will be covering the same standards at the same grade level in gr. K-8 Provides a consistent educational experience for students who transfer from one district to another
Slide 5 Goals and Assumptions Revised Standards must be aligned with the knowledge & skills needed for college and career readiness Reduce number of Standards and benchmarks Provide a grade-specific scope and sequence for all social studies disciplines Integrate social studies disciplines in grades K-8
Slide 6 The New Minnesota Social Studies Standards Continues to be finalized Implementation begins in school year, but may be delayed
Slide 7 Assumption: specific content U.S. History will include Minnesota History at grade 6. Geography will include Geographic Information Systems in grades Economics will include personal finance and/or financial literacy.
Slide 8 Definitions Standard A general goal or summary description of student learning in a content area; Benchmark (Minn. Stat. § 120B.023) Specific “academic knowledge and skills schools must offer and students must achieve to satisfactorily complete a state standard” by the end of that grade level or grade band Used to inform and guide parents, teachers, school districts and others and for use in developing tests
Slide 9 1. Gap analysis: MN standards/other state standards & national reports 2. First draft 3. Public review and comment period: February 25-March 14 Online feedback Town meetings- March 2, 7, 8, 10 (Fergus Falls, Marshall, Duluth, Roseville) Targeted feedback 4. Second draft 5. Expert reviews: April 8- April Third draft 7. Second Public Comment period: April 29- May 8 8. Targeted Group Meetings 9. Commissioner approves draft 10. Posting on MDE website 11. Rulemaking process Standards Review Process
Slide 10 Standards Review Committee Committee members were selected by the commissioner 10 committee meetings 32 of the 45 committee members were K-12 teachers Each member on two teams: grade level & discipline Led by committee co-chairs (postsecondary and K-12) named by commissioner David Lanegran Tony Filipovitch Aaron Nelson Teresa Ponessa Endorse final draft of revised standards; submit it for commissioner’s approval
Slide 11
Slide 13 High School Required Course Credits (3.5 Credits) Social Studies DisciplinesCourse Credits U.S. History1.0 World History1.0 Geography.5 Economics.5 Government & Civics.5
Slide 14 Reading the Standards: An Example : Grade 3: Strand Geography 6: Sub strand The World in Spatial Terms 1: Standard Maps and globes are used to display and analyze Geographic Information 2: Benchmark Demonstrate the ability to use latitude and longitude to locate places