GLEC TEAM Brandon Perez William Van Dawrin Pereyra
Our Goal Our goal is to create a non profitable website for GLEC We have to organize things in the template Our goal is to make the client happy.
Purpose We are making the web site for Jim McConaughy from GLEC He needs our help to fix his web site We are also updating the website and bringing it to the newer generations attention.
Success What does success mean to you? To us, success means happiness. If everyone is happy then you have succeeded.
Budget saver We are saving GLEC thousands of well earned dollars. We are also saving their time and effort. In business, time is money.
Skills We have great skills in the field, of web sites. Our skills as a team is, at its highest as ever. We are now well equipped with the industries latest technology.
Target Helping students across the nation accomplish their dreams. Making it easier for students to get into the website.
Index page Welcome to the Greater Lawrence Educational collaborative Elementary school Middle school High school
Site Map is our biggest help. We studied the web site for weeks on out. After studying our clients web site we felt like we were part of the GLEC team itself. Dream weaver
How? We used various computer design software in order to create a web site, that will change the future of GLEC. The biggest contributor was dream weaver, the software was our good luck charm. We uploaded it to so that we can present it to the society.