By J affa a nd Alicia.
What Would they eat? What would They drink? What they wear? What did His house look like?
What did there house look like? menu The rich people had stone houses with glass in the windows which are all different shapes and lots of chimneys. There is a bit that sticks out and the door is in it. they have pipes.
What Would they eat? menu They would eat duck,rabbit, pigeon, pig and cow they would have salt the poor had salt from the sea because it was cheap and the rich would have other salt because it was more expensive.the dairy maid would make milk,cheese, butter and help make bread
What they wear? menu Both man and women wore jewels they believed in lucky charm s and lots of people would wear them to get good luck men wore layers and layers of clothes to Keep them warm to diseases the pox scares they put candle wax!!!!!!!!!!!
what school did they go to? They all went in the same room and the older boys taught the little ones other children were taught at home with teachers called tutors.boys in college got beaten if they got caught speaking English and they got beaten if they didn't give their work good children started writing on slate with chalk the little children learnt how to read by reading hornbooks Hornbook here