Использование музыки и песен на уроках английского языка Подготовила учитель английского языка МОУ СОШ №1 с.кызыл-Мажалык с.кызыл-Мажалык Хажики Зарина Алдын- ооловна
Разучивание алфавита ABC ABC
Многократное повторение высказываний Текст песни The Beatles - My Bonnie (Traditional, arranged by Tony Sheridan) My Bonnie lies over the ocean My Bonnie lies over the sea My Bonnie lies over the ocean Oh bring back my Bonnie to me My Bonnie lies over the ocean My Bonnie lies over the sea Well my Bonnie lies over the ocean Yeah bring back my Bonnie to me Yeah bring back, ah bring back Oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me Oh bring back, oh bring back Oh bring back my Bonnie to me Well my Bonnie lies over the ocean My Bonnie lies over the sea Yeah my Bonnie lies over the ocean Oh I said bring back my Bonnie to me Yeah bring back, ah bring back Oh bring back my Bonnie to me to me Oh bring back, ah bring back Oh bring back my Bonnie to me
Усвоение грамматического материала Песня на мелодию «В лесу родилась елочка» I – am We – are You –are They – are He – is She – is It - is I – Have We – have You – have They – have He – has She – has It – has. Таблица неправильных глаголов Sit -sat -sat Spend -spent -spent Ring -rang -rung Wear- wore -worn Sell-sold-sold Beat-beat-beaten Win-won-won Hurt-hurt-hurt Sing-sang-sung Blow-blew-blown Rise-rose -risen Ride –rode- ridden Fly -flew -flown Drink-drank-drunkForget-forgot-forgottenThrow-threw-thrownHang-hung-hungSwim-swam-swum
Творческое задание учащимся Найти варианты перевода на русский язык песни “Imagine” “Imagine” by John Lennon “Imagine” by John Lennon “Imagine” by John Lennon
Песенки-считалочки Counting songs Ten Little Indian Boys Ten Little Indian Boys One little, two little, three little Indians Four little, five little, six little Indians Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians Ten little Indian boys. Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians Seven little, six little, five little Indians Four little, three little, two little Indians One little Indian boy.
Песенки танцами или имитационными движениями. 1.This is the way I wash my hands Wash my hand, wash my hands This is the way I wash my hands So early in the morning. 2. This is the way I wash my face, Wash my face, wash my face, This is the way I wash my face, So early in the morning. 3. This is the way I clean my teeth. Clean my teeth, clean my teeth. This is the way I clean my teeth, So early in the morning. 4. This is the way I drink my milk Drink my milk, drink my milk. This is the way I drink my milk So early in the morning.
Aкцентируйте внимание на «сложных» для детей словах Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow On a one-horse open sleigh Over the fields we go Laughing all the way; Bells on bob-tail ring making spirits bright What fun it is to ride and sing A sleighing song tonight Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side; The horse was lean and lank; Misfortune seemed his lot; He got into a drifted bank And we we got upsot Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way! What fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh A day or two ago I thought I'd take a ride And soon Miss Fanny Bright Was seated by my side; The horse was lean and lank; Misfortune seemed his lot; He got into a drifted bank And we we got upsot Jingle Bells Jingle Bells Jingle all the way! What fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh
Музыкальные паузы-разминки, зарядки под музыку или с песней - это необходимый элемент урока “Head and shoulders, knees and toes…” “Head and shoulders, knees and toes…” Head and shoulders, knees and toes Head and shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toes. Head and shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toes. And ears and eyes and mouth, chin and nose And head and shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toes.
Использование фоновой музыки при проведении письменных работ
Музыка в презентациях World Leader’s quiz World Leader’s quizWorld Leader’s quizWorld Leader’s quiz