By: Makenzye Hammel 4th grade The Solar System By: Makenzye Hammel 4th grade
Mercury Mercury is the fastest moving planet. It has no moons. It is the first planet from the sun.
Venus Venus rotates the other way. It is the second planet from the sun.
Earth Earth is named from a Greek word meaning the ground we walk on. It is the third planet from the sun.
Mars Mars has a red surface. It is the fourth planet from the sun.
Jupiter Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. It takes 10 earth hours for 1 day on Jupiter.
Saturn It has 31 moons surrounding it. It is the sixth planet from the sun.
Uranus Uranus rotates upside-down. It is the seventh planet from the sun.
Neptune It was discovered in 1846. It was pulling Uranus off course. It is the eighth planet from the sun.
Pluto Pluto is as big as our moon. It is a dwarf planet.