Your login page remains the same. Once you log into, you will see a new Ordering Option. One more Option to Place Your Online Orders!
There are now two options available for placing an order! Option A - Easy to use, larger print and easy navigation with instructions on each page. Option B – Standard look.
Go to Place An Order on the menu navigation bar. Then you may select Option A or Option B from the scroll down menu.
Both Options A and B give you the choice of placing a Personal Order or a Consultant Order on Behalf if you are a Leader. Option AOption B
Option A Option A provides Instructions at the top of each page and often provides helpful hints at the bottom of each page. Option B Next, both Options offer you the choice of ordering items by Item Code or By Browsing.
Option A allows you to select the Product Categories to navigate your way through Ordering By Browsing. Option B shows pictures for most of the products when Ordering By Browsing. Option BOption A
When ordering sets enter the number of sets you desire. In Option A you input the quantity and select the ADD button. In Option B you input the quantity and select the shopping cart icon. Option B Option A
When choosing Items within a collection Option A uses a classic scroll down menu in which you select your preferences. Option B Option A When choosing Items within a collection Option B uses a check box menu in which you select your preferences.
Option BOption A Option A allows you to view the shopping cart and totals at any time. Option B shows your shopping cart with the totals in the same page.
Option A gives separate steps to Verify your Order and a Final Review before you enter payment information. Option A
In both Options, you see your order total, current Jafra Balance and it displays the payment information form. Option B Option A
Option B Option A Both Options show your Final Payment Review before submitting.
Option BOption A Option A, Step 4 - This is your Payment Approval page and is the last step and your last chance to modify the order before you submit it to Jafra. Option B, Step 4 - This is just the Payment Approval Page and you must continue to Step 5 to “Proceed to Check Out.”
Option B Option A Both Options give you an Order Confirmation along with your Order number. You will be able to view immediately your transactions made in Option A or Option B, on “My Account,” under “Account Activity.”