An Introduction to Astronomy Our Place in the Universe Lambert E. Murray, Ph.D. Professor of Physics
The Universe Contains: Stars Galaxies Clusters of Galaxies
Galaxies Come in All Shapes and Sizes
A Galaxy Like Our Own
Approaching Our Galaxy Edge-On
Stars inside the Spiral Arms
Individual Stars are Often Far Apart Our Nearest Neighbor is about 4.5 Light Years Away!
Our Star – The Sun
The Sun’s Family of Planets (Not to Scale)
The Sun’s Family of Planets (To Scale)
Mercury F The planet nearest to our Sun.
Venus Viewed from Space is Always Covered with Clouds
Venus Without Clouds
Earth: Our Home
Three Views of Mars from Space
Mars – Close Up and Personal
Jupiter’s Galilean Moons
Pluto, A Planet?
Some Space Missions of Interest F Galileo to Jupiter’s Moons (1,2,5) F Missions to Mars: u Mars Orbital Surveyor u Mars Rovers F Mission to Saturn u Cassini F Mission to Mercury Mission to Mercury u Messenger Messenger
Additional Missions F LCROSS Mission to the Moon main/prelim_water_results.html F Mars Express index.html F Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
End of Introduction