Romantic comedies “ 5] ” Romantic comedy films, also known as "rom-coms" or "romedies,”
Romantic comedy are films with light-hearted humorous plotlinesfilms centered on romantic ideals such as that true love is able to conquer alltrue love primary distinguishing feature is a love plot in which two sympathetic and well-matched lovers are united or reconciled Romantic comedy films are a sub-genre/ hybrid of comedy films as well as of romance filmscomedy filmsromance films
Some television series can also be classified as romantic comedies The basic plot of a romantic comedy is that two characters, usually a man and a woman, meet, part ways due to an argument or other obstacle, then ultimately reuniteromanticcomedymeet While the two protagonists are separated, one or both of them usually realizes that they are ideal for each other, or that they are in love with each other.
Rom com Then, after one of the two makes some spectacular effort (sometimes called the grand gesture) to find the other person and declare their love, or through an astonishing coincidental encounter, the two meet again Then, perhaps with some comic friction or awkwardness, they declare their love for each other and the film ends ends happily
Rom com There are many variations on this basic plotline. Pretty Woman is considered by many critics to be the most successful movie in the genre Pretty Woman Famous rom com tv series: – The Nanny (1993–1999) (CBS) The Nanny – Sex and the City (1998–2004) (HBO Sex and the City – Desperate Housewives (2004–2012) (ABC) Desperate Housewives
– Ugly Betty (2006–2010) (ABC) Ugly Betty – The Big Bang Theory (2007–) (CBS) The Big Bang Theory Film: It Happened One NightIt Happened One Night (1934)1934 Roman HolidayRoman Holiday ( Breakfast at Tiffany'sBreakfast at Tiffany's (1961)1961 The GraduateThe Graduate (1967)1967 Working GirlWorking Girl (1988)1988 SabrinaSabrina (1995)1995
– You've Got Mail (1998) You've Got Mail1998 – Sweet Home Alabama (2002) Sweet Home Alabama2002 – The Wedding Date (2005) The Wedding Date2005 – The Devil wears Prada(2006) The 200 – Sex and the City (2008) Sex and the City2008 – The Ugly Truth (2009) The Ugly Truth2009