Romantic Comedy Marie Epton
Definition “Romantic comedy films are films with light- hearted, humorous plotlines, centred on romantic ideals such as that true love is able to surmount most obstacles. One dictionary definition is "a funny movie, play, or television program about a love story that ends happily"
A Romantic Comedy is a sub-genre of each of these genres, and is usually put together as there aren’t many films that can be classed as just one as they often show elements of each other in their films.
Love Actually... I feel that ‘Love Actually’ is a good representation of this genre. This film follows the story of 10 different relationships which all follow the basic definition of a Rom- Com.
‘Love Actually’ follows the romantic ideals of each character and how they deal with and overcome any obstacles that they face. The end of this film shows the happy resolutions of the relationships that have been portrayed and followed throughout. Features Of The Film
As a whole this film shows all the features from the definition of a romantic comedy!