BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Cities of Tampere and Mwanza have joint their efforts under the North South Local Government Cooperation Program since the beginning The history of the cooperation goes back to 1988, when Tampere and Mwanza became twin cities. Since 2002 the focus of the Tampere-Mwanza cooperation has been on capacity building of the City Administrations through training, exchanging of ideas, knowhow and Colleague to colleague partnership. During the past 10 years the cooperation has included: School sector, Environmental sector, Fire service local democracy City Councils.
Improving professional competences of municipal personnel as a means to improve service delivery and good governance Rising awareness on living environment and its management as a means to increase sustainability and participation in communities RESULTS The Fire Brigade cooperation has mobilised Tampere Regional Rescue Services expertise for capacity development in Mwanza Fire Brigade. Fire prevention and inspection have developed tremendously and hence the amount of fires has decreased in Mwanza. OBJECTIVES
Project Significance The Project supports different development priorities in Mwanza. These are To improve quality of life and social wellbeing of the people To promote growth and reduce income poverty To promote environmental conservation Strengthen the institutional and resources utilization capacity for efficient and effective service delivery Promoting good governance, rule of law and accountability Reduce poverty through training and creating linkages and wider possibilities for smallscale entrepreneurs in Mwanza. Capacity Building to provide better services for the population, social wellbeing and quality of life. Environmental conservation is done especially through different environmental activities and awareness raising activities among the population. Promoting Good Governance through trainings the councillors and City Officers
in Tampere: In Tampere this cooperation project implements the Aalborg Commitments, in which the City of Tampere has committed itself since By signing the Aalborg Commitments, Tampere is dedicated in taking global responsibility on justice, Equality, Sustainable development and Environmental protection. Tampere wants to take a role in leading Global Issues. The project also serves as an important Global linkage to different departments of Tampere City and gives a possibility for employees to widen their international experience as well as to learn from the Tanzanian culture. Specifically to the Sustainable Community Unit, in which the project is managed from, this project gives unique global perspectives and valuable project management and development cooperation skills.
Challenges faced: The biggest challenge faced in implementatio of project activities are: Project fund are not consistence and continously- some time the funds are stopped which makes the implementation to stop too. Funds are not released on time which cause the project activities to be delayed too. The planning,implementation and funding is only for shorter period of time (1.5 years period). Should be extended from three to 5 years project period. The project funding should be continuous