Weight and Balance
If not Handled: Extreme Cases
Less extreme cases Higher take off speed, Longer take off run, Reduced rate and angle of climb, Lower maximum altitude, Shorter range, Reduced cruising speed, Reduced maneuverability, Higher stalling speed, Higher approach and landing speed, Longer landing roll, Excessive weight on the nose wheel or tail wheel Loading is not limited to weight only. Attention must be paid to the location of the center of gravity.
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Moments Moment = F x d d F
Center of gravity location affects flight Limits certified by manufacturer Control: if CG is too far backward Stability: if CG is too far forward Safety
CG too far FWD: Heavy Nose More stability less control. Hard to pitch up during takeoff and landing
CG too far RWD: Heavy Tail More controllable (lighter control input necessary), but less stable. Easy to stall
Manufacturers put together easy ways to help load correctly
CG Moment Envelope