PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter Mask Supplied Air Job Hazards Y es Job Hazards Y es Access and EgressMoving Parts Activities of OthersNoise Adverse WeatherRail Movement Chemical ExposureSharp Edges ElectricitySlips, Trips, and Falls FatigueStatic Electricity Fire and ExplosionTrip Injuries Ground ContaminationTrapped Pressure Manual HandlingWorking at Height Other: References / Documents ASTM D6304 AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-PS of 2 Determination of Moisture in Petroleum Distillates by Karl Fischer Titration EnvironmentalSpecial Instructions Determination of Moisture in Petroleum Distillates by Karl Fischer Titration 1Power on analyzer by sliding red power button to the “on” position. 2 Ensure instrument is in microgram mode by pressing the “µg” key – instrument display should indicate a “1” above the “ML” segment of screen. 3Push TITRATION ON key to count out any moisture in system. NOTE: When the titration key is pushed, the stirrer bar should begin rotating. Approximately 5 seconds later, electrolysis current will flow which can be viewed in the Bar Graph display screen. As moisture is removed from system, bar graph diminishes to zero and analyzer is ready for measurement. 4Once all moisture present has been titrated out, an audible tone will signal. 5Press “RESET” button to acknowledge signal. 6Ensure current flow is stable on bar graph. 7Shake sample vigorously to homogenize. 8Withdraw and discard to waste at least 3 aliquots of sample. 9Immediately withdraw an aliquot of sample greater than 1 ml. 10Clean needle with a paper tissue. 11Insert needle through the inlet port septum ensuring needle does not come into contact with reagent. EquipmentMaterials and Reagents KAM Controls Moisture Analyzer Model #09042 Generator Solution C (KAM Controls Part #KAM 09006) Hamilton 1 ml Glass Syringe (Gastight) with Needle Generator Solution A (KAM Controls Part #KAM 09004) Scope / Objective This procedure covers the determination of entrained water in the range of 10 to 25,000 ppm in petroleum products using automated Karl Fischer titration apparatus. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By:
AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-PS of 2 Determination of Moisture in Petroleum Distillates by Karl Fischer Titration Cont. Determination of Moisture in Petroleum Distillates by Karl Fischer Titration Continued 12Press “RESET” key and immediately lower needle with tip of needle just below liquid surface. 13Inject sample slowly ensuring that no splashing occurs. 14Withdraw needle quickly to minimize moisture from air from entering titration vessel. 15When analysis is complete, an audible tone will sound – press “RESET” to acknoledge. NOTE: When analysis is complete an “E” will appear on display screen indicating the final result has been generated. 16Record result to nearest whole number. Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: