Geographical information 1/3 the size of USA
Geographical information 1/3 the size of USA 29 states, 7 union territories
Geographical information 1/3 the size of USA 29 states, 7 union territories Borders Indian ocean, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Myanmar and China.
Geographical information
Diversity – climatic regions
Diversity – religion
Diversity – language India has 122 major languages and 1599 other languages 15 recognized – on currency note, now 22
Diversity – food
Diversity – dresses
Diversity – most popular festivals
Diversity – dance forms bharatnatyam dandiya bhangra kathakali kuchipudi rajasthani odissi
Diwali – the festival of lights
Diwali – the festival of lights – HISTORY
Holi – the festival of colors
Holi – the festival of colors - HISTORY
Visit India