How To Cycle Safe Always wear your helmet just in case you fall of your bike. Make sure your brakes work safe. Make sure your tyres are pumped up. Make sure your chain is not loose Make sure your handle bars are straight.
How to use you gears When you change gear make sure you are peddling. When you are going up hill make sure you are in your lowest gear and when you are going down hill make sure you are in your highest gear.
What does cycling do to you Cycling is healthy. Cycling keeps you fit. Cycling is a excise Cycling keeps money in your pocket Cycling does not let off CO2 Cycling saves patrol
In the dark make sure you have a light on your bike On the road wear something bright Look behind each 2 min Do a sign when you turn and make sure the palm of your hand is at the front
Bikes Carbon dioxide Bikes save trees, plants, animals and birds Bikes save co2 emmissions in the atmosphere Bikes save environment Bikes save electric Bikes save gas
A.Make sure your tyre is full with air. To check, put four fingers in the inner metal thing and press on the tyre with your thumb. B. Make sure your brakes are working properly. To check, push your bike forward and put on the front brake and the back wheel should come up do the same with the other one and the front wheel will come up C. Make sure your chain is not loose to check pull the pedal back H. Make sure your handlebars are not loose. To check put two legs between the front wheel.
Mr Padfield was our teacher doing cycling. he told us how to do right hand turns and left. He told us how to do an emergency stop. we had 2 books all about signs And at the end we had a test. we all passed.
What we have learnt
How to look after your bike Make sure you clean your bike twice a mouth Make sure you oil your chain Make sure your tred on your tyre is not split Make sure your trousers are not baggy if are put a lass tick band or a bobble or tuck them in