New Directions in Probabilistic Assessment Henk Roelant, LaRC Joanne Bechta Dugan, University of Virginia Kevin Sullivan, University of Virginia October 26, 2000
ASSAP: Advanced System Safety Assessment Program Dynamic Fault Tree analysis: a new approach to determining the probability of failure for complex systemsDynamic Fault Tree analysis: a new approach to determining the probability of failure for complex systems Galileo/ASSAP: a software tool for DFT analysis developed at University of Virginia under the sponsorship of LaRCGalileo/ASSAP: a software tool for DFT analysis developed at University of Virginia under the sponsorship of LaRC Galileo/ ASSAP analyzes the probability of failure for complex systems (i.e. the “P” in PRA)Galileo/ ASSAP analyzes the probability of failure for complex systems (i.e. the “P” in PRA)
ASSAP Development Being developed under NAS (UVA) - 32 month effort (March 1999-November 2001) -$675,000 provided by NASA Code Q -Builds on 10 years worth of academic research funded by NSF, NASA and industry Beta version of Galileo/ASSAP currently available for review. Integrated efforts in software engineering and reliability engineering Usable interoperable software environment using Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) components such as MS Word, MS PowerPoint and Visio Demonstration of capabilities...
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Galileo/ASSAP Galileo/ASSAP is a promising new approach to probabilistic analysis of critical systems Sets a new standard for the “P” in PRA Interested in reviewing the Beta version? Looking for beta testers (a few initially) Contact Henk Roelant at NASA Langley