Positive & Negative Spce
in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image. Negative space, in art, is the space around and between the subject(s) of an image.
the subject(s) of an image Positive Space: the subject(s) of an image
Which represents positive and negative?
Which represents positive and negative?
What does this image represent?
NOTAN Notan is a Japanese art form that can be explained as: what is dark is not light and what is light is not dark. This is the basis of all design and an important guiding principle of art. It seems so simple but an artist can spend a lifetime exploring the possibilities of light and dark
"Notan" is the term used by the Japanese to express "light-dark" as an element of design. In the west we use separate terms such as positive space and negative space, dividing the idea of light-dark into separate components. On paper it is easy to see that dark shapes cannot exist without a surrounding area of white. White shapes cannot exist without dark to define it. The two elements are really one. This is an eastern concept of yin-yang that each is what the other is not.
Collage Cutting Tips: To cut symmetrical shapes and to get two identical shapes, fold paper in half or place two pieces on top of each other, cut out shape. Cut pieces out and arrange on the larger piece of white tag board – ALL PIECES MUST BE USED. Cut smoothly and think about where you are cutting in the larger sheet. Think about Symmetry and Balance. Use paper clips and/or envelopes to save pieces – no pieces are to be glued until everything is cut and arranged.
Procedure: 1) Explore the meaning of "positive" and "negative" space in a work of art. See examples from abstract art and representational art. Notan in Japanese art and design - balance of white and black /positive/negative space will be discussed 2) Students are to cut a variety of large and small shapes of black paper, using the white of the background tag board to create the positive and negative space. White copy paper can be used as needed for additional white shapes. 3) Experiment with the possibilities before gluing them to a backing surface.