African American Status Report Marcia Gumpertz Interim Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion Pasha Bennett, Diversity Program Assistant June 14, 2010
AA Status Report Summary – Students Number of AA freshman applications has risen steadily. Number of AA accepted and enrolled as freshmen has been flat since 2003, but percent of admissions has decreased from ~10% to 8%. Admission rate (30%) is lower than last year. NC State is attractive - yield is comparable to other groups. 1-year retention rate is good (90%), 3-year retention rate is 78%, but 6-year graduation rate is only 62% Number of graduate degrees awarded to African Americans has remained flat over past 6 years Number admitted to doctoral programs decreased this year, and proportion (3.9% of admissions) is markedly lower
AA Status Report Summary – Faculty and Staff African Americans make up about 17% of staff. Very uneven distribution across job categories 20 new AA staff hired (10% of all new hires) AA turnover rate is 13%, compared to 12% for all employees. High turnover in technical, clerical, EPA professional, service/maintenance (TO = number exiting / 2009 total) Higher proportion of AA staff (EPA professional, clerical, service/maintenance) leave due to dismissal than other staff; higher proportion of AA techs resign than other technical staff 6 African American faculty awarded tenure. One new asst professor hired. No black faculty left NC State between 2008 and 2009.
TOPICS Purpose of the AA Status Report Undergraduate Students Graduate Students Staff Faculty Summary of Status Report
Purpose of the Status Report Monitor the status and trends of African American students, staff and faculty presence, performance and success Provide information and analysis to AASAC, UDAC, and the AA Coordinating Committee every year Provide information and analysis to the senior campus leadership Assess our progress, pinpoint where we have been successful, where changes are needed Inform decisions on policy and practice
2009 Status Report Highlights for AASAC Undergraduate Students –Applications, Admissions, Scholarships –Graduation rates Graduate Students –Admissions – Masters and Doctoral Programs –Masters and Doctoral Degrees Conferred Staff – distribution among occupations, changes from last year Faculty –5-year trends, by tenure status
Note: Race and Ethnicity categories for domestic students were changed for year. In Fall 2009 Check one: Are you Hispanic or Latino? – yes, no If you check “yes”, you are counted as Hispanic no matter what else you check. And then Check one or more: Black or African American, Asian, American Indian or Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, White If you are not counted as Hispanic, you are counted as one of these, “not specified” or “2 or more races”.
Status of African American Undergraduate Students
Fall Freshman Applications and Admissions - African American
African Americans as Percent of Total Applications, Admissions, Enrolled Freshmen – Fall Semester
Admission Rate (Admitted/Applied) and Yield (Enrolled/Admitted) of African American Freshmen
Demographics of Enrolled Freshmen – Fall
What is happening with AA Admission and Enrollment? Applications are up Enrolled/Admitted is similar to other groups (~45%) Admissions rate is lower (30%) than last year 2009 NC College-Readiness 6.1% of AP scorers > 3 were African American 23% of SAT Takers were African American
What Are We Doing to Increase AA Admits and Enrollments? K-12 outreach – Office of Precollege Programs eliminated in budget cuts. Visitors’ Center and ODI are providing visits to high school and middle school groups Holistic admissions Process Financial aid – many more students are needing aid, and needing more aid in this economy
NC State Undergraduate Financial Aid Applicants By Ethnicity
Pack Promise – Started in 2006 Eligibility No separate application required other than regular financial aid application Family income at or below 150% of poverty level Benefits Have 100% need met for up to 9 semesters of enrollment Maximum need-based loan of $2,500 per year + $1,500 in FWS Scholarship and grant funding to meet remaining need Priority for undergraduate research work-study opportunities, more focused financial aid and academic advising Number awarded each year : : : : 279
Chancellor’s Leadership Awards Separate scholarship application required Applicants rank-ordered by total scores from folder review process Rank order and financial need used to allocate scholarships Award valued at $5,000 per year for a total of 4 years 50 scholarships awarded each year
UNC Campus Scholarships Selection Criteria –Exceptional Financial Need ($0 EFC) –First Generation College Student –From rural area in NC –Diversity a consideration Scholarships awarded: : : : 92
NC EARN Scholarships: Initiated Incoming freshmen (UNC system) Family income 200% of poverty level $4000 award Total Number Awarded in : 447 Defunded by the legislature after fall No funding for Spring 2010 or year.
Retention of 2006 Freshman Cohort Percent returning or graduating after 1,2, 3 years
Numbers of Enrolled Undergraduates – Fall
Six-Year Graduation Rates
Number of Bachelor’s Degrees Conferred to African Americans
Factors Related to AA Retention and Graduation Rates Supportive Environment AA Symposium Mentoring Programs Orientation Course (USC101) Strong AA Student Org(s) Geographic Location Critical Mass of AA Students Critical Mass of AA Faculty and Staff K-12 Preparation STEM focus curriculum Family SES Low Financial Aid First Generation Source: Journal of Blacks in Higher Education (2009) Enhancing Factors Inhibiting Factors
Graduate Students
African American Graduate Admissions
Numbers of Enrolled Graduate Students – Fall
Number of Graduate Degrees Conferred to African Americans Doctorates Masters
What We Are Doing to Increase the Enrollment and Success of AA Graduate Students? Graduate School Diversity Enhancement Grants Bridging Programs for Graduate Students Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity: Funded by NIH to recruit and retain graduate and undergraduate students majoring in biomedical, behavioral, and veterinary medicine. Funds graduate students and provides work-study and research experience for undergraduates. Bridge to the Doctorate : NSF Funds 2-year fellowships for 12 graduate students in engineering and sciences CHAMPS Program - NC State partnership with UNCF and private HBCUs
African American Staff
Changes in 2009 CategoryAA 2009 (% of total) AA Exited (exited/AA 2009) Total Exited (exited/Total 2009) AA Hired/Total Hired EPA Professional 121 (7%)18 / 121 (15%)275/1702 (16%)6 /127 (5%) SPA Professional 96 (10%)3 / 96 (3%)44 / 929 (5%)4 / 20 (20%) Technical52 (7%)12 / 52 (23%)114 / 764 (15%)3 / 34 (9%) Clerical285 (25%)44 / 285 (15%)159/1151 (14%)3 / 9 (33%) Skilled Crafts51 (16%)3 / 51 (6%)34 / 323 (11%)0 / 4 (0%) Service / Maintenance 332 (46%)45 / 332 (14%)61 / 720 (8%)4 / 12 (33%) Total937 (17%)125 / 937 (13%)687/5589 (12%)20 / 206 (10%)
Reasons for Leaving NC State EPA Professional Technical ClericalService/Maintenance
African American Faculty
Number of African American Faculty Tenure Track Tenured Non-Tenure Track
African American Faculty Changes 2008 –Left the University: 1 T resigned, 1 TT resigned –Hired: 4 TT 2009 –No tenured or tenure track faculty left NC State –(3 now classified/corrected as Hispanic or Int’l) –Hired: 1 TT –Awarded tenure: 6
African American PhD Pool Selected Fields % of PhDs granted to US Citizens, 2008 % of TT Asst Professors, NCSU 2008 Life Science327 / 7269 = 4%2/89 = 2% Phys Science130 / 4027 = 3%1/35 = 3% Engineering111 / 2948 = 4%4/39 =10% Education758 / 5590 = 14%5/24=21% Humanities170 / 3736 = 5%3/57=5%
Initiatives to Increase the Pipeline and Improve the Climate Building Future Faculty Program: Professional development workshop for diverse graduate students preparing for academic careers. Funded by NSF AGEP and the College of Engineering. Developing Diverse Departments: Funded by the NSF Advance program to increase the representation of women faculty and faculty of color Target of Opportunity Hire Program
Sources: NCSU University Planning and Analysis websites NCSU Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid College Bound Seniors research/sat/cb-seniors research/sat/cb-seniors-2009 College Board AP Summary Reports: ort_to_the_nation.pdf ort_to_the_nation.pdf Survey of Earned Doctorates octorates.htm octorates.htm