Crete A urban and shipping civilization
Crete, cradle of the mimoan civilization Creta as a crossroads among the Pelopones, Anatoly, Near East and África. Creta as a crossroads among the Pelopones, Anatoly, Near East and África. Tucidides used Thalasocratia to speak about Crete cities-state Tucidides used Thalasocratia to speak about Crete cities-state
Cronology Several periods, several dates
Neolithic: until 2600 B. C. Neolithic: until 2600 B. C. Pre-palatial: a. de C. Pre-palatial: a. de C. Proto-palatial: a. de C. Proto-palatial: a. de C. Neo-palatial: a. de C. Neo-palatial: a. de C. Post-palatial: a. de C. Post-palatial: a. de C.
The new references corresponds with Evans’ founds Prepalacial Minoico temprado I Minoico temprano II Minoico temprado III Minoico medio IA Protopalacial Minoico medio IB Minoico medio II Neopalacial Minoico medio III Minoico tardío I Minoico tardío II Post- palacial Minoico tárdío III
Although, behind the legend it has a religion, even an antropology round the bull As we can see …
Palace of Knosos, at the North of Ile,is represent the paradigma of Laberintic palace that led Minotaurus legend Palace of Knosos, at the North of Ile,is represent the paradigma of Laberintic palace that led Minotaurus legend
A fresh of Knosos palace representing a dancers with a bull
A disc founded in Phaistos Palace, was showing a first writing, called Linear A
Pottery of Kamares is characterised by a decoratoon with octopus figures