Ancient Greece
Greece: Geography Had a huge impact on development of Greece Much smaller compared to Mesopotamia and Egypt 50,000 square miles
Greece: Geo (cont’d.) Peninsula Very Mountainous Many small Islands in the surrounding Seas
Greece: Geo (cont’d.) Small plains/river valleys surrounded by mountain ranges Mountains caused isolation Differentiated development Each “community” independent from the others
Greece: Geo (cont’d.) Independence encouraged political affairs Intra-warfare or war within Greece itself – a kind of civil war Constant battle devastated Greek society
Greece: Geo (cont’d.) Water played a major role in development Seafarers Surrounded by the Aegean Sea, The Mediterranean Sea, and the Black Sea Coastline consisted of many inlets and bays
Greece: Minoan Civilization Minoan Civilization: Located on Island of Crete; c BCE Named for Minos – legendary king of Crete; Established at Knossos Center of far-ranging sea empire and consisted of an elaborate palace with designated living quarters Wiped out – some believe by a tidal wave from a volcanic eruption from Thera; most believe it to be from a mainland attack by the Mycenaean
Greece: Mycenaean Mycenaean from Greek state Mycenae on mainland BCE Part of Indo-European descent – entered from areas of southern/western Europe, India, and Iran Came from the North and managed to gain control
Greece: Mycenaean (cont’d) Monarchies Built on hill & surrounded by stone walls Royal families inside walls, civilian population lived scattered around the outside of the walls Created tombs called tholos For the royal family; built into hillsides
Greece: Mycenaean (cont’d) Warriors; prided themselves on heroism Traded with surrounding areas Spread out militarily to conquer surrounding areas Mycenaean people began turning on one another, earthquakes caused damage, and new invaders moved in around 1100 BCE causing Mycenae to collapse