Recycling and Desalination Section 2015 UWMPs: Wastewater and Recycled Water Toni Pezzetti, PG, CHG Recycling and Desalination Section November/December 2015
Discussion Items Definitions Reporting changes and why Integration with 2015 Recycled Water Survey What happens to collected data
Code Requirements California Water Code 10633 describes wastewater and recycled water reporting requirements No code changes since 2010 Slight modifications to requested reporting to improve usability of the data
Wastewater: What it is and isn’t It’s not just a waste anymore It is regulated and monitored as a waste by the RWQCBs It is also a valuable water resource that can meet local water demands BENEFICIAL USE How does wastewater become water supply?
Recycled Water Definition Water which, as a result of treatment of waste, is suitable for a direct beneficial use or a controlled use that would not otherwise occur and is therefor considered a valuable resource. Water Code Section 13050(n)
Recycled Water Definition The legal definition does not specify the source of water . . . Municipal wastewater source Agricultural reuse source Industrial internal reuse source UWMPs and the recycled water surveys track municipal recycled wastewater
Municipal Recycled Water Types Title 22 covers a range of recycled water qualities Secondary, Undisinfected Secondary, Disinfected-23 Secondary, Disinfected-2.2 Tertiary Advanced See CCR §60301 and §60320 for definitions • Secondary, Undisinfected (California Code of Regulations,CCR §60301.900) – oxidized wastewater. • Secondary, Disinfected-23 (CCR §60301.225) - Oxidized and disinfected wastewater. • Secondary, Disinfected-2.2 (CCR §60301.220) - Oxidized and disinfected to a higher level than Secondary, Disinfected-23. • Tertiary (CCR §60301.230) – Oxidized, filtered, and disinfected wastewater to achieve both bacterial and virus removal. • Advanced (CCR §60320.201) - Treatment technologies beyond conventional coagulation, filtration and disinfection, including reverse osmosis, micro- or nanofiltration, ozonation, or advanced oxidation. Refer to the CCR for specific requirements.
Recycled Water Uses Allowed Under Title 22 Recycled Water Uses Allowed Under Title 22*: it isn’t just tertiary water *California Code of Regulations
Recycled Water Definition Two requirements treated municipal water must meet to be classified as recycled water in UWMPs. It must be reused: • Beneficially, in a manner consistent with Title 22 • In accordance with a RWQCB permit (NPDES, WDR, or WRR)
Why is Terminology Important Reduces confusion and incorrect classification of water Supports understanding of recycled water use Provides clarity, especially with potential changes in how recycled water is used SWA (surface water augmentation) DPR (direct potable reuse)
What Happened to the 2010 UWMP Wastewater Data? Because of inconsistencies and duplications in how the data were reported, it was not usable and was not released. Changes to the 2015 are implemented – in spite of no code changes – to support improved reporting
Recycled Water and Wastewater are Complicated UWMP B UWMP A
What is Different in 2015? UWMP data will be integrated with statewide recycled water survey conducted with the SWRCB Guidebook Appendix M prepared to help clarify terminology Disposal vs recycling Supplemental water Etc
Recycled water Data collection
Inquiring Minds Want to Know How Much Recycled Water Use is Increasing 2009 2015 900,000 800,000 ? ACRE-FEET PER YEAR
How Much Recycled Water Were We Using In 2009? URBAN WATER USE: 4.3 percent of total* AGRICULTURAL WATER USE: 0.7 percent of total* * Based on the California Water Plan and the Recycled Water Survey
Integrate Data From Multiple Sources UWMP data to DWR WWTP data to SWRCB IRWM SRF Water Recycling Fund Grant and loan recipients Water Suppliers WW treatment operators Title XVI Single, defensible recycled water data set
What RW Data Will Collected? Data primarily will be reported in tables, but information is also contained within text Five tables with variable reporting requirements Water Retail vs Wholesale Recycled Water Users vs Non-Users and Distributors vs Producers
Don’t forget to mention alternative water supplies! Reporting in the UWMP Wastewater or recycled water can be in a separate section or part of the water supplies chapter We’re asking for more background information and a RW system map Don’t forget to mention alternative water supplies! Desalination Gray Water Storm Water
What Crops are Being Irrigated? Artichokes Tertiary-Treated Recycled Water Undisinfected Secondary Recycled Water Strawberries Wheat Celery Triticale Alfalfa
UWMP - Highlight Creative Uses! Contra Costa Animal Shelter Central Contra Costa Sanitation District Animal facility wash down Contra Costa Times DSRSD Publicly available fill station City of Livermore Fire fighting Marin Municipal Water District Car washes
UWMP Tables
Appendix M Provides Help for Completing Tables
Wastewater Generation - Retailer Retailer Only
Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Table is the same for retailer and wholesalers that provide supplemental treatment
Beneficial Uses - Retailer
Beneficial Uses – Wholesaler that Provides Supplemental Treatment
Projected vs Actual Comparison - Retailer
Projected vs Actual Comparison - Wholesaler that Provides Supplemental Treatment
Expansion Methods - Retailer Retailer Only
Where does the WW and RW UWMP data go? 2015 UWMP Recycled Water Data 2018 California Water Plan 2015 Recycled Water Survey Data Requests 2017 Report on Recycled Water Use in California
Questions? . . . and Halloween Chuckles EBMUD staff as El Nino The Drought EBMUD staff as El Nino . . . and Halloween Chuckles