Lubos Babicka, Ph.D. Jitka Kocurková Jitka Kocurková Ministry of Agriculture of the CR The Food Safety Strategy in the Czech Republic
Food Safety System in the CR Decree No. 1320/2001 „The Food Safety Strategy of The Czech Republic“
State supervision over foodstuffs in the CR Ministry of AgricultureMinistry of Health State Agricultural and Foodstuff Inspection Authority State Veterinary Administration State Phytosanitary Administration Bodies of Public Health Service Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture
State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic (SVA) protection of consumers from products of animal origin likely to be harmful to human health monitoring of animal health situation and maintaining it favourable veterinary protection of the state territory of the Czech Republic animal welfare and animal protection
State Agricultural and Foodstuff Inspection Authority (SAFIA) carries out controls mainly of agricultural, food and tobacco products in the entire chain ranging from manufacturing companies, through importers, forwarders and wholesale warehouses up to sales in retail trade network focuses on the controls of compliance with determined conditions of storage, transport and sales, and also requirements for sanitary safety of the business premises.
State Phytosanitary Administration (SPA) the protection of the Czech Republic teritory from introduction of harmful organisms from abroad, phytosanitary surveillance, registration of plant protection products, monitoring the effectiveness of plant protection products including their side effects, providing scientific knowledge on harmful organisms and ways of protection against them.
Central Institute for Supervising and Testing In Agriculture (CISTA) Performs administrative procedures, other administrative activities, professional and testing proceedings and checking as well as supervision pursuant the special legislation, especially in the field of: - Viniculture - Feedingstuff - Hops protection - Production of seeds and planting stock of cultural plants - Fertilisers, instrumental soil substances, plant preparations, substrates and agrochemical soil testing - Protection of copyright to plant varieties and cultivars
Bodies of the Public Health Service (PHB) Chief Public Health Officer of the Czech Republic Regional Public Health Officers Public Health Officer of the capital Prague
Is head of the Public Health Service and is designed and recalled by the Government Cooperates with other control Authorities and with Associations their tasks Fills tasks given to nationvide bodies of the PHS Executes nationwide measures against the appearance and spread of contagious diseases and of occupational diseases Controls and executes measures for the sanitary protection Direct aktivities of subordinate bodies of the PHS Executes routine surveillance of hygiene in facilities of nationwide importance In fundamental questions direct aktivities od subordinate bodies, controls and helps them
Execute tasks entrusted to bodies of the Public Health Service and are not national importance Cooperate with the region and municipal councils Issue binding expert opinions on national health care Ensure hygienic supervision and issue binding instruction for the elimination of shortcoming found
Monitoring, verifying and control of food safety There must be a mechanism that will monitor and control production processes System of foodstuff control reflects the basic principle of producer and distributor liability for the quality and safety of marketed foodstuffs
Monitoring of Contaminants in the Food Chain Foodstuffs Raw materials Feeding stuffs Soil Water Air Forest ecosystems
Contact: Luboš Babička,Ph. D. Director of Food Safety Department Jitka Kocurková