Writing your Portfolio Piece by Piece Take little steps….remember that from little acorns big Oaks grow…. So too will your Capstone. That is if you bother to put the effort in, in the first place!!!!!!! J.Byrne 2015
Context & Rationale (500 words) (5 Marks) Take 3mins and answer each of the following questions. Ignore grammar, punctuation and spellings, these can be corrected at a later stage. Provide reasons as to why you want to make this piece. Take statements made in the introduction and expand on them. Imagine a friend asking you “why did you choose to make that piece?” How would you explain your reasons to them? J.Byrne 2015
Context & Rationale (500 words) (5 Marks) This is very personal section as the reasons come from you, they are your reasons. Perhaps you really like the period, designer, wood used, carving or turning etc. Don’t fall into the trap of describing what projects you have done in last few years but if there is a particular project that you wanted to expand on or is of relevance to your artefact then do include it. J.Byrne 2015
Research (1500 words) (15 Marks) Provide evidence on research carried out on this artefact. When did it first appear? Who designed it? How was it constructed and finished? This is one of the bigger sections of your work. This section needs to provide evidence of research shown. Don’t spend too much time on only one section for example devoting 15oo words to animal glue. Write out a list on what you think is relevant. Expand on each item on the list. Remember to relate your own personnel views and experience. Don’t forget to state where original artefact is on display, museum stately home etc. J.Byrne 2015
Methodology Artefect Part 1 (1500 words) (10 Marks) Expand on statements made in introduction. Discuss how you are going to reproduce your interpretation of the traditional design. Discuss whether you are going to use traditional or modern methods of construction and your reasons for your choice. Remember to relate your own personnel views and experience. Have you used any of the joints or methods listed before? Are you experimenting with these joints, construction methods. J.Byrne 2015
Methodology Finish Part 1 (1500 words) (15 Marks) Give details of how your artefact is to be finished (traditional or modern) and give reasons for choice. Discuss the type of wood your project is made from. What are the characteristics of the wood. What type of finish was on original Artefact and what were the characteristics of the finish material. Discuss the materials that are required to complete the work, and any safety precautions required to complete tasks in a safe manner. Tools or implements required. Preparation tools/materials. J.Byrne 2015
Methodology Artefact Part 2 (1500 words) (15 Marks) Summarise this section and include it in your introduction. Describe how you manufactured your artefact, did you deviate from the methods given in your proposal if so why. Give a complete sequence of events to enable another to duplicate your artefact according to your instructions. This would probably best be achieved by keeping a reflective diary for each day of your work. Reflective diary can be included in appendix. J.Byrne 2015
Methodology Finish Part 2 (1500 words) (20 Marks) Summarise this section and include it in your introduction. Describe how you finished your artefact, did you deviate from the methods given in your proposal if so why. Give a complete sequence of events to enable another to duplicate your finishing applications according to your instructions. This would probably best be achieved by keeping a reflective diary for each day of your work. Reflective diary can be included in appendix. J.Byrne 2015
Estimated / Actual time chart (10 Marks) This Table or chart should be inserted after Methodology Part 2 section. You may want to write a few words on the comparisons between both time chart submitted in semester 1 and actual time used. J.Byrne 2015
Other Sections Cutting list : Final finished cutting list should probably be inserted before Methodology Part 2. This list will probably have changed quite a bit from that submitted in semester 1. Don’t forget to include images, sketches and photos of actual work throughout the document. Remember to label and reference correctly. J.Byrne 2015