Prime Mobility Group Group Members: Fredrick Baggett William Crick Sean Maxon Advisor: Dr. Elliot Moore
Wheelchair that uses sensors in conjunction with a controller for autonomous operation. Disabled individuals who may not be able to safely operate an ordinary wheelchair. Primary market will be disabled individuals, hospitals, and healthcare institutions. 2
Front Clearance (0.5 meters) Side Clearance (0.1 meters) Collision Avoidance Maintain Distance (1 - 2 meters) Target Following 3
5 Powerchair Electronics CompactRIO Controller User Input Vision System Shaft Encoders Drive Motors
6 NI Interface C Series Module Connection TTL Logic Signals Shaft Encoder Signals
7 Desired Speed Error current speed Speed Adjustment Speed determined from encoder data Current Speed Encoder Data
8 Vision SystemCamera Object Tracking LIDAR Collision Avoidance
Original image Image with blue color tracking 9
“Laser Range Finder” 10 SICK LMS-291 180 degree Field of View 1° angular resolution 30 meter range
11 Initialization Supervisory Control Target Following Stop
12 Target Emblem
13 Read user’s desired direction Search for obstacles in desired direction Only allow movement if no obstacles are found Obstacles are not allowed in the Green Safety Zones:
LIDAR Range Measurements Image’s Y-Axis Pixel Height Mapping 17
Image’s Y-Axis Pixel Height 18
X Y 19
20 Vision System: Camera + LIDAR Chair Control: Interface, Shaft Encoders Behavior & Programming: Target Following Mode, Supervisory Control Mode