EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources Prototype in 2014 year Metadata catalogue WG7
EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources Ethical issues: The most clear example: Risk Communication Industry = potential „damage-maker” Public = potentially „damage-receiver” EPOS IS TCS Hazard assessment services Hazard estimates are easly converted into „Risk information” Hazard estimates should be assessed and conveyed in a competent way HA services cannot be fully public
EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources Our duty is to prepare public and industry for proper understanding of hazard estimates IV PILLAR TASK of EPOS
EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources o Every user should register EPOS ICS and TCS – first of all as a research platform facilitating InSilico experimentation Services are envisioned as open to all registered but the experimentation is located in a restricted area
EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources o Industrial Partners owe and provide data – IS EPISODES They get: -Assess to all services -Tested solutions -Recommendations -Recognition from EPOS It should be solved on the whole EPOS level
EPOS WG Coordination Workshop, Prague WG10 Infrastructure for Georesources o Discrimination between the induced and natural seismicity o From time-dependent seismic hazard assessment to hazard management. Optimizing production for hazard control o IS as a characterization tool for production enhancement o Assessment and management of hazards induced by exploitation of georesources o Increasing awarness and understading of the hazards induced by exploitation of georesources