Developments leading to the discovery of the New World
Crusades ( ) Exposure to new goods. Trade and the high cost of the luxury items. Eliminate the middleman. (Asian and Italian merchants.)
Renaissance (14th-17th Centuries) Emphasis on reason, questioned authority and pursuit of free inquiry. Stimulated interest in geography and navigation.
Rise of the Absolute Monarchs Possessed the wealth to finance expeditions. Sought colonial empires. Trade sought by the middle-classes.
The Reasons for Exploration Seek passage to the Far East. $$$$$ Establish claims to new lands. Convert the Native Americans to Christianity. Satisfy the spirit of adventure and intellectual curiosity. Pave the way for trading posts and settlements.
Spanish Colonization Motives Gold and god. Established colonies in Florida, the American Southwest, the Caribbean, & Central and South America. Government Strict control over the colonies by the king. Mercantilism
French Colonization Motives Wanted a “piece of the pie.” Fishing grounds off the Newfoundland banks. Trade with the Natives for furs. Convert the Natives to Christianity.
Extent of French influence Mississippi River area, Caribbean, and the St. Lawrence River. Few White settlers No gold or silver. Catholics alone could immigrate. No self-gov’t. Furs, not farming