Movement in Art
Movement Tools Techniques Textures/ Colours /Layers Sense of motion is created Composition affects motion and flow Graduation of size Repeating of shapes and patterns Contrast
Eadweard Muybridge 1830-1904 English Photographer Big Influence on filmmaking Created the Zoopraxiscope- an early device for displaying motion pictures. Imaged projected by the fast spinning Zoopraxiscope disks.
Zoopraxiscope Disks
Zoopraxiscope disks in motion
The Horse in Motion created in 1877.
Some more of his motion pictures
Kitty Meijering Born in Alkmaar in 1974 Graduated from the Amsterdam University Focuses on painting motion in ballet. Brings her paintings to life with the help of colours, shapes and different materials.
You Lift My Spirit
Lost In Motion
Giacomo Balla 1871-1958 First wave futurist painter Depicted light, movement and speed in his work Paintings, sculptures, costumes Abstract machine-like forms Figurative work
Running On a Balcony, 1912 oil on Canvas
Dog on a Leash
Warship, Widow and Wind
Speed of a Motorcycle, 1913.
Streetlight, 1909
Leonid Afremov Born in Belarus in 1955 Instead of using a brush, using a palette knife Graduated from Vitebsk Art School
In the Vortex of Passion.
On the Other Shore
Windmill Holland
Alan Sailer
Bibliography "Eadweard James Muggeridge (Muybridge)." The Maritime Heritage Project ~~ International Harbors Travel. The Maritime Heritage Project, n.d. Web. <>. Gordon, Dave. "Muybridge's Home." SmugMug. n. page. Web.<>. "Movement." Art Apprentice Online. Art Apprentice, n.d. Web. <>. "The Principle of Movement." Blue Moon Web Design. Blue Moon Original Oil Paintings, n.d. Web. <>. "Eadweard Muybridge." Wikipedia. Web. 7 Jan 2012. < . "About Kitty." Kitty Meijering. Blue Moon Original Oil Paintings, n.d. Web. <>.
Bibliography . "Figurative Art Paintings." Kitty Meijering. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Jan 2012. < Meijering/>. . "Giacomo Balla." . N.p., n.d. Web. < 10 & 11/giacomo_balla.htm>. . "Leonid Afremov Biography." PicassoMio. N.p., n.d. Web. <>. . "Leonid Afremov ." DeviantArt. N.p., n.d. Web. <>.