รพ. สต. พันดอน Health Promotion Performance Summary of Pun Don Health Promotion Hospital, Udontani Province
Hospital Director Register Nurse Public Health Officer Ms.Nongluk Register Nurse Ms.Charunee Register Nurse Ms.Panissara Public Health Dentist Ms.Kamonpun Register Nurse Ms.Napapon Public Health Officer Ms.Churapon Public Health Officer Mr.Jessadapo l Health Promotion Officer Ms.Supawade e Data Recorder Mr.Nirut Clerk Ms.Supapon Public Health Officer Ms.Penpon Ms. Sanit Ms. Suchin
Hospital Staffs Register Nurse 5persons Public Health Officer4persons Public Health Dentist 1person Supportive Staff4 persons Total 14 persons
Number of Villages Number of Household Population (person) MaleFemaleTotal 142,8986,433 (48.02%) 6,962 (51.98%) 13,395 General Information
Pun Don Health Promotion Hospital is a good quality and standard Public Health Service Unit with healthy people and community participation. 1. Provide quality and standard system of health promotion, health monitoring, diseases&health risks control and prevention, curing, rehabitation. 2. Provide holistic health service system. 3. Establish a strong health community in all level. 4. Develop human resource for suitable competency on duties. 5. Develop for efficiency information technology system. Vision Mission
Public Health Provincial Office/Central Hospital Public health District Office/Community Hospital Health Volunteer People Local Government Administration Office Local Government Administration Office Health Promotion Hospital Health Promotion Hospital Community, Group, Association Community, Group, Association Information Human Resources Human Resources Work Budget Conceptual Framework
Health Promotion Hospital Committee Committee Meeting Committee Members
Community Health Volunteer Group supports the Health Services at the Hospital
Pundon Sub-District Municipality support fund for fitness equipments for every villages.
Office Arrangement for better atmosphere and for facilitate the service provision for healthy of our staffs and customers
Relax Corner Waiting Area Relax Corner Pun Don Health Promotion Hospital
Reflection of Non Communicable Disease (NCD) Status Analysis from Behavior Health Problems
Health Status Healthy At Risk Sick Disability
Customer Attention HOME WARD PATIENT Pun Don Health Promotion Hospital Year 2012 No.GroupsTotalHealthyAt riskPatient/Sick (person) Disabili ty (person) Bed Type 1 Bed Type 2 Bed Type 3 (person ) 1Children Pregnancy52 3Disability Elderly Chronic Patient and NCD Patient Total 3,3451,
Comparison the number of DM and Hypertension Patients (2 years)
Comparison the number of DM and Hypertension Patients with Complication (2 years)
Health Promotion and Family Medicine Service Project in Pun Don Sub-District Municipality Area.
Home Visit
Patient Visit (Bed Type 2)
Patient Visit (Bed Type 3)
Budget Support from Local Governments and Communities Year Sub-District Municipalities (Y2011)245,710 Baht 2 Sub-District Municipalities (Y2012)433,906 Baht Communities Donation 586,055 Baht Total 1,265,671 Baht
Our Awards Year Best Regional Community Health Volunteer Award (Health Promotion) Year 2009 (Mrs. Kusol Chaicharn) The Winner of 18 Health Files Recoding (Population more than 10,000) Year 2009 The Winner Award for Academic Health Promotion Presentation Year 2009 Best Community Health Promotion Hospital Region 10 Award (Community Participation) Year 2010 Year Received Money Donation for 586,055 BahtYear Received Money Donation for 586,055 Baht