Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare
Study Guide – Act One What is the setting? Romeo Montague: Benvolio: Verona, Italy Romeo Montague: Main character; loves Juliet Benvolio: Romeo’s cousin; polite Lord & Lady Montague: Romeo’s parents Abraham & Balthasar: Montague servants Lord & Lady Capulet: Juliet’s parents
Sampson & Gregory: Rosaline: Tybalt: Juliet Capulet: Prince Escalus: Montague servants Tybalt: Juliet’s cousin; hot headed Prince Escalus: Prince of Verona; wants to keep the peace between families Rosaline: Romeo’s lust; becomes a nun Juliet Capulet: Main character; turning 14 Paris:: Juliet’s suitor
What does it mean to “bite your thumb”? Disrespect; like flicking someone off What is Romeo’s problem and Benvolio’s solution to it? He’s lovesick over Rosaline; Benvolio says, “get over it!” Who are the feuding families and do we know why they are feuding? Montagues & Capuelts; no Mercutio: Romeo’s best friend Friar Laurence: Marries Romeo and Juliet; trustworthy The Nurse: Juliet’s keeper; trustworthy
What is Prince Escalus’ threat? Stop fighting or die. Who fights and why? Gregory & Sampson vs. Abraham & Balthasar; they dislike each other What did Rosaline take a vow of? Why? Vow of virginity; she’s becoming a nun Who is throwing a party? The Capulets
Are Romeo and his friends (Benvolio & Mercutio) invited? No! Who wants to marry Juliet? Does her mother agree with the marriage? Paris; no – she thinks she’s too young. She is about to turn 14. Who is Queen Mab? The dream fairy Who falls in love at the Capulet party? Romeo and Juliet
What do Romeo and Juliet talk about doing? Why doesn't’ Lord Capulet throw Romeo out of the party after he finds out he is there? He is being a gentleman and not causing a scene; he has a reputation to uphold What do Romeo and Juliet talk about doing? Kissing and hugging What are Romeo and Juliet's reaction when they find out they are from the enemy families? They get upset
Study Guide – Act Two Who does Mercutio think Romeo is still lovesick over? Rosaline What does Romeo compare Juliet to? What does he wish he was? The sun & stars; a glove on her hand so he could touch her cheek. In the balcony scene, Juliet wonders why this is so important. A name
Why does Juliet not wan Romeo to swear by the moon? The moon changes too much Who does Romeo trust to marry him and Juliet in secret? Friar Laurence Who sends Romeo a letter challenging a duel? Tybalt What two people are willing to help Romeo and Juliet get together? Friar Laurence and the nurse
Study Guide – Act Three Who is going to fight in this scene? Tybalt and Mercutio Why does Tybalt think Romeo came to the party? Why did Romeo really come? To mock the Capulets & start a fight; to see Rosaline (the Capulet’s neice) What do Romeo and Juliet end up doing? Get married
Who kills Tybalt and why? Who dies in the fight? Mercutio Who kills Tybalt and why? Romeo; to avenge Mercutio’s death Who helps Romeo flee from the Prince? Benvolio What does the prince do to Romeo? Exiles him; if he returns, he’ll die
What is Juliet “stuck” between? Who’s mother dies? Romeo’s – of grief What is Juliet “stuck” between? Being upset over Tybalt’s death or glad Romeo is still alive Where does Friar tell Romeo to go after he sees Juliet on their wedding night and what does he tell him to do there? Mantua; wait until he tells the families about marriage and pardons are granted What do Lord and Lady Capulet decide? Juliet will marry Paris
What does Lady Capulet plan to have done to Romeo? Why would Romeo and Juliet argue over whether the bird they hear is a lark or nightingale? Lark = morning, Nightingale = evening What does Lady Capulet plan to have done to Romeo? Poisoned What does Juliet threaten if her parents make her marry Paris? What is her parents’ response to this? She won’t marry him; they’ll disown her and throw her out What does Juliet ask her mother to do? Delay the marriage for a week or she will kill herself
Study Guide – Act Four Rather than answer him honestly, what does Juliet do to Paris? Play word games with him (beat around the bush) Having run out of answers, what does the friar have to do? Marry Juliet and Paris What does the friar decide to do to help Romeo and Juliet out? Give Juliet a potion
What does the potion do? What does friar do with her body? Make her appear dead; moves her to the vault What does friar send to Romeo? Does he receive it? A letter telling of his plan; no (the messenger gets held for the plague) When Juliet’s parents find her, what is their reaction? They’re sorry for themselves, “whoa is us!”
Study Guide – Act Five What does Romeo find out and what is his response? Juliet is “dead”; he wants to kill himself What does Romeo buy? Poison from the apothecary Why didn’t Romeo get the letter from friar? Friar John was quarantined on the way over because of the outbreak fo the black plague
Who fights outside of the Capulet tomb? Why? Romeo and Paris; Romeo was “breaking in”; Paris dies How does Romeo die? He poisons himself When Juliet awakes, what does friar suggest? What does Juliet do instead? She become a nun; she stabs herself with Romeo’s knife Whose fault is it for the deaths? What is the end solution? Everyone’s; the feud ends so the killing will stop and because of their children’s deaths