BOB (Best of Breed) development BOB (Best of Breed) development Press Conference – Rio Suites – January 8 th, 2003
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 BOB Topics nProject Overview nCommittee Charter nCore BOB and IP nPhased Approach nWhat About SAS nProject Leadership nOwnership of BOB nWho is Committed nQ & A
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 Project Overview nBOB (Best of Breed) is the next generation communication protocol being developed under the direction of GSA, its members and advisory forums for the gaming industry, by the gaming industry. nThe protocols will employ standards and technologies from the computer industry, enabling GSA to use proven technologies, to provide reliable products quickly to the industry at a significant savings to manufacturers, operators and regulators. nThe creation, acceptance, implementation, widespread deployment, change management and future technological advancements to GSA’s BOB standard will allow the gaming industry to concentrate on the creation of innovation, appealing gaming products and operations.
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 BOB Committee Charter - DRAFT nFocus on using commonly accepted computer industry standards including, but not limited to TCP/IP, Ethernet and other associated communication technologies. nFocus on definition of standardized XML message schemas related to moving data and the sequence of those messages. nProvide recommended implementation guidelines as they relate to the physical transport layer and interface connectors. nCommunicate regularly with operators and regulatory agencies to cultivate acceptance. nEnsure input to protocol development by committee members. nEnsure that implementation of the protocol can be consistently achieved among manufacturers by providing and supporting test and development tools including simulators and implementation guides. nProvide for the ability to have consistent third party certification of protocol implementations.
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 The CORE BOB and IP nThe CORE BOB functionality is functionality that does not infringe intellectual property rights by virtue of its inclusion in the CORE BOB standard or through implementation of that functionality in a device. nCORE BOB functionality may, however, incorporate intellectual property which is already owned by or freely available to GSA for use by the industry.
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 A Phased Approach nBOB – Phase 1 (Core) n Compatible with most current protocol solutions plus some enhancements n Specification and toolkit development åStart date: Dec 2002 åEnd date: Dec 2003 n Implementation by 2004 nBOB – Phase 2 (Extensions) n New extensions beyond current protocols n Specification and toolkit development åStart date: Feb 2004 åEnd date: Oct 2004 n Implementation by 2005 nBOB – Phase 3 (Download) n Download Games n Download Peripherals
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 What About SAS? nChange management control by GSA nMinor upgrades will be entertained on an as needed basis n Examples include: new meters, and new event reporting nMajor upgrades will be deferred to Phase 2 of BOB n Examples include encryption and low level comm. type changes
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 Project Leadership nCo-Chaired by n Jim Morrow - Bally Gaming and Systems n John Chamberlain - IGT nTechnical Chair n Tim Britt - Konami Gaming nDocument control n Larry Hollibaugh – IGT n Other volunteers - TBD nProject Management n PJ Stegen - GSA
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 Ownership of BOB nThe BOB protocol will be owned in its entirety by GSA nSpecific intellectual property, such as patents and trademarks, will be owned by their respective owners
Press Conference - Rio Suites - January 8th, 2003 Who is committed to BOB? nAcres Gaming nAristocrat Technologies nAtronic Americas nBally Gaming and Systems nCashCode nHarrah's Entertainment nIGT nIsle of Capri nJCM Konami Gaming nMandalay Resort Group nMIS International USA nMoney Controls nShuffle Master Gaming nSigma Game nSlot-Tickets nStations Casinos nTransact Technology nWMS Gaming
Questions & Answers Questions & Answers Press Conference – Rio Suites – January 8 th, 2003 Platinum Members