MoA and M & O-B Pigi Paolucci
Introduction The RPC endcap and barrel project were merged in an unique project in the 2009 and so we don’t have a long experience regarding M&O-B. In the 2009 we asked all the institution to contribute with at least 5 KCHF All gave 5 KCHF Ghent and Brussels 7.5 KCHF. I.N.F.N. 163 KCHF 16/3/102Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli
M & O-B contributions Institution CHF INFN (old account) INFN (new account) INFN Napoli INFN PS spare INFN GGM spare Korea Inre Univ Sofia Univ Ghent Univ China India Pakistan 0 Brussel Univ Total Input /3/103Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli
M&O-B 2009 balance Manpower description Manpower Cost Hardware maintencance descriptionHardware maintencanceGas comp. DescriptionGas comp. PINTO from to , contract for CAEN site up 9.952,00 interface board for RH sensors 1.100,00 SHAHZAD from to ,00 Repair of CAEN crates 2.570,00 Accessoires Magasins (gas/power/cooling) 494,00 VIVIANI from to ,00 Upgrade Endcap Mainframes 7.125,00 Temperature probes racks 3.138,00 SHAHZAD from to ,00 Accessoires Magasins (new account) 2.700,00 Analysis for the CMS Muon RPC Detector 4.758,00 POLESE from to ,00 interface board for RH sensors 1.050,00 MUHAMMAD from to ,00 EASY crate Power Calbe 208,00 LOMIDZE from to ,00 CAEN Reparation 2.060,00 MUHAMMAD from to ,00 Rental Pool (2009) 5.675,00 POLESE from to ,00 GSM operation phone 4.983,00 MUHAMMAD from to ,00 Hum. Plug sensors 995,00 POLESE from to ,00 MUHAMMAD from to ,00 POLESE from to ,00 POLESE Conference 720,00 PS CAEN board spare ,00 GGM CAEN board spare 6.042,00 OLD ACCOUNT 2008/2009 balance ,00 manpower hardware gas comp.Total Output TOTAL /3/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli4
Questions addressed I How is the M&O-B budget constructed (what are the items taken into account, are there cost items outside M&O-B budget): 2010 Budget is based on what we needed in the 2009 and taking into account the small number of spares we need and the short time for hardware reparation and maintenance (2 months). For the first time we are asking the institutions to contribute proportionally to the FTE (2010). Until now only Belgium and Italy gave a positive feedback. No answer from the other institutions. 16/3/105Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli
Questions addressed II What is the manpower component of the budget and what are the plans for moving towards the MoA system In the 2009 the manpower component was about 50 KCHF (1/4 of the total) and for the 2010 we are planning to have 180 KCHF (need to pay few experts in DCS, DQM, Electr. and DPG) Part of the services could be covered by MoA but mostly for short period and not for high-level expert. RPC project still need some high-level experts (DQM, DCS, Database, Power…) that are not easily replaceable by the institution. This number of experts must be reduced in the next years using the MoA 16/3/106Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli
Questions addressed III What is the long-term budgetary plan (e.g. is the Sub- system self-sufficient in a year perspective) 2010 will be our first real test about the MOFB and only after that we could answer to this. In any case I don’t think we will be self-sufficient unless new institutions will not joint our project. Are Upscope/Upgrade costs built into the M&O-B budget No it is not in the budget, but it will be in the /3/107Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli
2010 material details Shall we contribute to the LB upgrade/spare ? 16/3/10 8 Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli MATERIALS KeuroKCHF Server (5 DCS + 3 DQM + RC) upgrade (every 2 years) 5,3 8,0 HV-LV spares (10HV+6LV) 102,7 154,0 HV-LV-ADC CAEN maintenance 21,3 32,0 HV-LV-ADC cable, connect. distrib 5,3 8,0 P5 Lab infrastr. 5,3 8,0 ISR gas & infrastr. 10,7 16,0 GIF detector test (SJ) 5,3 8,0 Gas Monitoring materials 5,3 8,0 Gas Monitoring spares 11,0 16,5 CERN store 11,0 16,5 Sensors upgrade endcap sensor on fiber 10,7 16,0 Electronic Pool CERN 12,7 19,0 Communication telephone for shifters and experts 2,0 3 LB upgrade and spare contribution? (50.0) TOTAL (maintenance and reparation) 208,7 313,0
2010 M&O-B manpower MANPOWER months FTE Keuro KCHF Detector reparation6tech0,5016,825,2 Electronic (TTU+FEB+CB) reparation1tech0,082,84,2 HV-LV repar. And maint.2tech0,175,68,4 HV-LV firmware upgrade2ing0,175,68,4 DCS - DQM - DB software upgrade6ing0,5016,825,2 DCS - DQM machine maint.2ing0,175,68,4 Sensors upgrade endcap upgrade endcap2ing0,175,68,4 Gas gas test and reparation4tech0,3311,216,8 Gas Monitoring repair and maint.2tech0,175,68,4 Cooling repar. and maint.2tech0,175,68,4 TOTAL 29,0 2,42 81,2 121,8 16/3/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli9
MoA 2010 data tackingshut-downdata tackingshut-down FTE needed months Detector Hardware chamber23206 electronics0,5254 services Electronic and DAQ Power system12104 DCS-DSS11102 TTU0102 XDAQ0, Software and DQM Raw Data/DQM22204 Reconstructed22204 Prompt Analysys-Run valid22204 TTU0,40,641,277,2 Operation P5 shift31302 CAF shift21202 Shift leader Managment LV2 and LV Up Scope Simulation0,3 30,6 R&D0,6 61,2 Chamber production22204 Front-end electronic0,5 51 Trigger electronic0,5 5146,8 TOTALE months 47, /3/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli10
2010 M&O-B per institution M&O 2010# M & O Amount due (KCHF) Peking univ 3 17,9 SKK Univ (Korea) 6 35,7 Korea Univ (Korea) 11 65,5 Chonnam (Korea) 0 0,0 Mumbai-Barc (India) 2 11,9 Ghent (Belgium) 9 53,6 Brussel Univ (Blgium) 1 6,0 Uniandes 2 11,9 Pakistan 3 17,9 Bari 10 59,6 LNF 4 29,8 Napoli 6 35,7 Pavia 3 17,9 Sofia Univ 6 35,7 Sofia INRE 6 35,7 INFN ,9 RPC TOTAL ,8 16/3/1011Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli
Proposal for 2010 M&OB budget sharing At least 50% of the amount due in cash for subsistence, material and spares: 217 KCHF – M&OB material budget foreseen = 313 KCHF – Part of the cash can be used for materials/spare 50% in manpower to cover the 2010 MoA – FTE/month = 4 KCHF – Total is 217/4 = 54 months – Needed MoA = 315 FTE (all covered by RPC institutions) Example: Sofia INRE amount due 36 KCHF – 18 KCHF in cash (material/spare/subsistence) – 18 KCHF ==> 5 months of MoA 16/3/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli12
2010 M&O-B per institution M&O 2010# M & O Amount due (KCHF) Cash/Materials (KCHF)Manpower (KCHF) Peking univ 2 12,1 6,04 SKK Univ (Korea) 6 36,2 18,12 Korea Univ (Korea) 11 66,4 33,21 Chonnam (Korea) 0 0,0 0,00 Mumbai-Barc (India) 2 12,1 6,04 Ghent (Belgium) 9 54,4 27,18 Brussel Univ (Blgium) 1 6,0 3,02 Uniandes 2 12,1 6,04 Pakistan 3 18,1 9,06 Bari 10 60,4 30,19 LNF 4 24,2 12,08 Napoli 6 36,2 18,12 Pavia 3 18,1 9,06 Sofia Univ 6 36,2 18,12 Sofia INRE 7 42,3 21,14 INFN ,9 69,45 RPC TOTAL ,8 108,70 In red the already confirmed contributions 16/3/1013Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli
Conclusions 15 institutions, 72 FTE M&OB = 435 KCHF MoA = 47 FTE = 315 months We need to quantify our Cash/manpower contribution for 2010 M&O in March (50%) CMS FB will approve it and then will prepare invoices for the institutions CMS FB will follow the invoice payments as for the other subsystem. We need make a proposal for the RPC MoA via and approve the distribution Then write pledge letters for the end April 2011 budget and for RRB 16/3/10Pigi Paolucci - INFN Napoli14