Is the recent Cap Roux Marine Protected Area (France, Var) an efficient tool to sustain professional fisheries ? 8e Forum halieumétrique, La Rochelle, juin 2007 Catherine Seytre, Patrice Francour EA 3156 « Gestion de la Biodiversité » Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
The Cap Roux Marine Protected Area Initiated by professional fishermen Management tool
The Cap Roux Marine Protected Area - Protected since ha - Habitats available
Monitoring objectives Beginning of Reserve Effect Effect of MPA on professional fishermen activities Methods Experimental net fishing Underwater visual censuses : Fish Ecological Index (FEI)
Sampling method of fish assemblages : Experimental net fishing Principle Principle: Net fishing carried out by a professional fisherman Standardisation of fishing tools Calculation: Calculation: Biomass Species number Advantages: Advantages: Assessment of reserve effect on profesionnal fishermen activities Complements UVC
Sampling method of fish assemblages : FEI Principle Principle: 6 censuses Presence / absence of target species Size class (small/medium vs large) Calculation Calculation: Relative species richness Mean Index Cumulative Index Coefficient of Variation Bio-indicator Bio-indicator: Easy and quick to implement Results pertinence: highlights fishing and spearfishing pressure
Results Experimental net fishing: Experimental net fishing: Autumn ,5 kg / 6 species 9 kg / 9 species 2,4 kg / 4 species
Results Relative species richness: Relative species richness: Little difference IR / OR IR values more constant
Results MeanIndex Mean Index: Little difference (OR/IR) except in autumn 2005 Poaching in 2006?
Results Cumulative Index: Cumulative Index: IR values > OR IR values more constant Important seasonal fluctuations OR
Results Coefficient of variation: Coefficient of variation: Higher CVs IR high variability Assemblages stabler OR
Conclusion FEI in the MPA FEI in the MPA Mean index similar Higher Cumulative index Higher Coefficient of variation Species Richness less variable Experimental fishing Experimental fishing Biomass and Specific Richness are higher Preliminary study of a recent Marine Protected Area First stage of the reserve effect Results of FEI in 2006: due to poaching? Inside the MPA, the fish assemblage has become more abundant, but is still over dispersed
Conclusion Preliminary study of a recent Marine Protected Area FEI - species list adapted to small scale fisheries - noticeable method to detect early reserve effect FEI (UVC) and Experimental Fishing: two complementary methods Professional Fishermen implication: the best way to ensure MPA success in the future MPA dynamic: within 3 years, a reserve effect