Welcome to ESCONDEDO BEACH MALIBU Marine Biome
Climate Temperature-70-80* Elevation-3m Weather-Partly cloudy some sun and wind Precipitation-14.98"
Animal species you will see 1. Crane 2. Pelican 3. Crab 4. Star fish 5. Fish 6. Turtle' s
crane Crab Pelican Starfish Fish Turtles
Animal Adaptation A pelican lives there because they have wings to sore the sky and look for fish to eat and fit in there gular pouch. Also crabs live there because they bury into the fresh sand or they hide under the rocks and claws to protect themselves Crains live there because they have good eye site and try to spot fish when they are flying in the sky until they spot a fish.
Plant Species 1. Abronia Maritima 2. Abronia Unabellata 3. Atriplix Californica 4. Salix Laevigata
Abronia Maritima Abronia Umabellata Atriplix Californica Salix Leavigata
Food Web
Pleas visit us at Alexia Robles