AODA 1.Cooking today!! Put your books away, its time to eat! 2.Discussion 3.Posters 4.Experiment 5.Test Questions/Music 6.Pictures
AODA- Discussion Question: If people know what is inside a cigarette, why do they buy them? –Answer: They are addicted. Question: If tobacco companies know what is inside a cigarette, why do they sell them? Answer: They want to make money!!
Drugs affect everyone the same way? True or False? False. Very few things affect everybody the same way. Let’s do an experiment. Holding your breath!!
AODA Test Questions 1. Name 3 organs harmed by smoking. Brain, Heart and Lungs 2. Nicotine is found in…. a. Tobacco b. Coffee c. Most foods d. A, b and c
AODA Dangers of Smoking