FAO Regional priorities and FSN policy processes in Latin America and the Caribbean FSN Forum policy dialogues: contributing to food security and nutrition policy processes at the country and regional level December 10 th, 2015
Background Latin America and the Caribbean met the 1C goal of the MDGs and additionally the WFS goal. Implementation of public policies to eradicate hunger and malnutrition under a positive economic and political scenario. One of the main lessons from these positive results: the role of the political commitment.
Background Political commitment expressed at national and regional level. Schemes of FSN governance in several countries of LAC: Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, etc. Expressions of interest at regional bodies: OAS, UNASUR, CARICOM, SICA, CELAC.
The role of CELAC I CELAC Summit (Santiago, 2013): Support to the Hunger Free Latin America and Caribbean Initiative I CELAC Meeting of Ministers and those Responsible for Social Development for the Eradicaction of Extreme Poverty and Hunger (Caracas, 2013): Definition of the Pillars for the Caracas Action Plan II CELAC Summit (Havana, 2014): Request to FAO with the support of LAIA and ECLAC to prepare a Plan for Food Security, Nutrition and the Eradication of Hunger III CELAC Summit (Costa Rica, 2015): approval and mandate for the implementation of the CELAC Plan for Food Security and the Eradication of Hunger 2025 (CELAC FSN Plan).
CELAC FSN Plan 2025 The Plan is based on 4 Pillars defined by country members, in order to cover all 4 dimensions of food security and nutrition (FSN). Contains Lines of Action in each pillar containing sectorial policies and directed towards a wide vision of FSN. All pillars have proposed policy measures for enabling results in the short and medium term.
CELAC FSN Plan 2025 Source: FAO (2015). Regional Overview of Food Insecurity: Latin America and the Caribbean. Santiago de Chile.
FSN Platform The plan asks explicitly to FAO to develop a tool for knowledge sharing in FSN. This is the Food Security and Nutrition Platform ( FSN Platform Sharing of information (policies, legislation, governances schemes and indicators) to promote south-south cooperation.
Inter-sectoral meeting to strengthen capacities of countries to conduct nutrition education actions to fight malnutrition Food and Nutrition Information, Communication and Education to promote Food and Nutrition Security in Latin America and the Caribbean San Salvador, El Salvador– December 2011
A network promotes and facilitates the exchange of experiences and best practices in NE, amongst different actors and professionals in Latin America and the Caribbean, through a web-based platform Red ICEAN Overview
HQ-RLC-SLM Coordination and support
Asociación Mexicana de Miembros de Escuelas y Facultades de Nutrición (AMMFEN), México Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia Coordinación General de Alimentación y Nutrición (CGAN), Brasil Departamento de Nutrición Comunitaria del Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública, México Núcleo de pesquisas epidemiológicas en nutrición y salud, Escuela de Salud Pública. Universidad de Sao Paulo, Brasil Steering Committee Regional entities Instituto de Nutrición de Centroamérica y Panamá (INCAP) Programa Regional de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional para Centroamérica (PRESANCA II-PRESISAN) Confederación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Nutricionistas y Dietistas (CONFELANYD) Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición (SLAN) Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) Coordinación Educativa y Cultural Centroamericana/Sistema de Integración Centroamericana (CECC/SICA) FSN forum National entities
478 Nutritionists 827 Total Members
News and events Weekly update of relevant news articles and events of NE at national, regional and international level Members can submit their own news and events Great potential for further dissemination of programmatic and professional experiences
Webinars Development of interventions in NE Food-based dietary guidelines Next week: Food and nutrition education in schools
Forums Key collaboration with Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)
Thank you and greetings from Latin America and the Caribbean! Ricardo Rapallo – Food Security Officer María José Coloma – Nutrition Consultant Giovanni Carrasco – Food Security Policy Consultant