Meet Michigan Chapter 2 Review By Ian Liam
What are some of the names we use for the first people to live in Michigan? Native Americans Indians American Indians
The Hopewell people were Native Americans The Hopewell people were Native Americans. They lived in Michigan and several other states a long time ago. What is one unusual thing the Hopewell did that we can still see in a few places? They built mounds of earth where they buried their dead.
People who study the past look at old arrowheads,old bones,old pots and other things left behind by people long ago. What do we call all these old things from long ago? artifacts
What does it mean to modify the environment? To change nature in some way. An example is to build a road ,a dam or a Hopewell mound.
The Hopewell must have traded for these things. Historians have found many things in Michigan’s Hopewell mounds. Some of these items came from places far from here. What conclusion can we draw from this? The Hopewell must have traded for these things. They may have traveled far away to get them. Trade must have been important long ago in Michigan.
What does the word migrate mean? People migrate when they move from one place to another. There is always a good reason for people to migrate. Something is pushing them away or pulling them to the new place. Usually when we talk about migrate, we are talking about a large group of people such as a tribe.
What are some reasons people from long ago moved from one place to another? What are some reasons they move today? People moved long ago because they had difficulties where they were. The climate may have cooled and they were cold. Food may have been hard to find. There may have been a war and they wanted to escape. These difficulties pushed them away. The hope of a better life pulled them to a new place to live. People still move for those reasons. Today, they also move to find a job, to live near family and friends, to retire in a warmer place.
The Potawatomi, Ojibway and Odawa are the Three Fires. What tribes were a part of the Three Fires? Why were these three grouped together? The Potawatomi, Ojibway and Odawa are the Three Fires. These tribes spoke a similar language and had similar customs.
Nature supplied what they needed. They hunted and fished for food. The Native Americans or tribes did not have stores where they could buy what they needed. Where did they get the things they needed to live? Nature supplied what they needed. They hunted and fished for food. They planted crops like corn or beans. They got wood and bark from trees to make wigwams.
This means “the people”. Today, people may use names for Native Americans that the tribe never used for themselves. Hopewell is one of those names. What is one word in a Native Americans language they may have called themselves? Anishnabeg. This means “the people”.
Why would a Native American, or anyone else, trade for something? People trade for things they need and do not have. It is scarce for them, but someone else has more of it.
Native Americans have helped make our world a more interesting place Native Americans have helped make our world a more interesting place. They left us things like foods, names and inventions. Tell me a Native American name we still use in our state. There are many possibilities. “Michigan” comes from Native Americans words that mean big or great lake. There are names like Mackinac, Pontiac and Saginaw. Snowshoes and the toboggan are two. Name a Native American invention.
Why do Native Americans tell legends? They tell legends to help keep facts and stories about there past alive. This was more important in the past, before they had writing. They have a legend about how maple sugar was discovered. They have a legend about Hiawatha. They have a legend about guidelines to live by. Tell what one legend is about.
Tell what you know about Native Americans. We still have many Native Americans. They live in all parts of our state. They usually look much like anyone else. They may be computer programmers or teachers. They wear the same clothes and live in homes like everyone else,etc.