Name that Region! Buccal Acromial Crural
Name that Region! Gluteal Calcaneal Popliteal
Name that cavity! Visceral layer Abdominopelvic Cavity Pleural Cavity Which serous membrane is attached to the organ or organs of the ventral cavity? ________________ Name the cavity surrounding the lungs? _________ Pleural Cavity Visceral layer Abdominopelvic Cavity
BAAAD TO THE BONE! Bone depression?________ FOSSA Jugular foramen Mandibular Fossa External occipital protuberance
BAAAD TO THE BONE! What sutures lies between parietal &occipital? _______________ Lambdoid suture Ethmoid bone Mastoid Process
BAAAD TO THE BONE! Frontal sinus Superior meatus Inferior nasal concha What bone cavity is this? ________ Nasal cavity Perpendicular plate
BAAAD TO THE BONE! Match the bone names listed with the following bone description Bone Names Frontal Ethmiod Lacrimal Mandible Occipital Temporal Zygomatic Parietal ___ 1. Tiny bones with openings for tear ducts ___ 2. Superior part of the squamous suture ___3. Forms the bony eyebrow ridges and roofs of orbits ___ 4. Cheekbone ___ 5. Site of external acoustic meatus ___ 6. Contains the mental foramina ___ 7. Posteriormost part of the cranium ___ 8. Bone(s) containing paranasal sinuses C H A G F D E B
Ribs _____ are classified false ribs BAAAD TO THE BONE! Name the following bone and markings Ribs _____ are classified false ribs 8-10 Ribs ______ are classified floating ribs 11-12 Transverse ridges coccyx
BAAAD TO THE BONE! Vertebral foramen Transverse foramen Which is the cervical vertebrae? Superior articular facet What cartilage is the facet made out off?__________________ Hyaline cartilage
Welcome to the gun show… MUSCLES! Deltoid Biceps brachii Brachialis
MUSCLES! Match the muscle names in Column A to the major muscles described in Column B Column A Zygomatic 2.Orbicularis Oculi 3.Masseter 4. Buccinator Column B Used in winking Used to show you’re happy Holds food between the teeth Prime mover of jaw closure
MUSCLES! Gluteus Medius Biceps femoris Semitendinosus Which muscle/tendon did Achllies rip? ______________ Calcaneal
MUSCLES! Whistling and kissing muscle?___________ _______________ What muscles do we use to move our mouth upward?(smiling muscle) _________________ Zygomaticus major & minor Whistling and kissing muscle?___________ What is the name of the Major head flexors? _______________ Orbicularis Oris Sternocleidomastoid muscle
MOVE YA’ BODY If Mrs. Johnson is trying to raise the roof, what movement is she doing? ____________ Extension If Mrs. Johnson is jogging in place (decreasing the angle of the joint) what movement is she doing? _____________ Flexion
Movement for Under bite __________ MOVEMENTS! What movement do you do when you drop your jaw? _______________ depression Movement for Under bite __________ Retraction Movement for Overbite _____________ Protraction
Joints Match the key choices with the descriptive phrases ___ 1. keep bone ends from crushing when compressed ___ 2. Resists tension placed on joints ___ 3. Keeps joints from overheating ___ 4. Helps prevent dislocation Articular cartilage Synovial Cartilage Ligaments and fibrous capsule Muscle Tendons Answer key: 1; A. 2; C & D. 3; B. 4; C & D
Joints Name the following: Articular cartilage Joint cavity
TISSUE All connective tissues stem are from a common embroyonic tissue called? _______________ Mesenchyme What is the difference between Dense Regular CT and Dense Irregular CT? - Dense regular consist more of collagen fiber arrange in a parallel bundle with little ground substance and few cells. Dense irregular collagen bundles have no consistent pattern. What type of CT is this? ______________________ Dense regular CT
TISSUE What type of tissue is this?_________ Adipose Name the cell adipose consist of? Adipose adipocytes
What type of Epithelium tissue is this? PSEUDOSTRATIFIED COLUMNAR
Eye Optic nerve Cornea Lateral rectus
Ear Cochlea External acoustic meatus
Brains Interventricular foramen Anterior horn Inferior horn Central canal
Spinal cord Posterior median sulcus Posterior root ganglion Dura mater
Spinal cord Cervical enlargement Conus medullaris Cauda equina