Classroom Strategies
* Give support only as needed * Create space- do not sit next to * Use multiple adults to generalize authority * Oversee peer group for structure and interaction * Teach peers to socialize and help appropriately
* Use peers and buddies to establish rapport * Work with but not do the work for Miguel * Helping in social situations (lunch and passing) * Help each other to stay on task * Use Miguel’s method of communicating- text or i-message
* Ask questions in class * Text each class period to check in and give assignments * Attention through work review, positive praise * Praise for his attention and on task behaviors * Remember, Miguel understands verbal commands but his method of communication is written----use his method occasionally too
* Peer groups when possible * Teacher attention for work and behavior * Greetings and social talk * Ask questions you know he can answer * Prompt AAC to communicate with others * (i-message and texts) * Create conversations as part of lessons
* Miguel has responded well to social stories in the past * Use social stories proactively and not just reactively * Reinforce good behavior, every single time. Gradually fade over time
* Communication among all involved is important * Garcia should give tips and advice and vice versa. * Garcia will not tell Miguel to listen to you in the moment (That is like saying, pay attention to him because I said so) He will give you feedback on how to get compliance
* As we enter Miguel’s world through his means of communication, we must remember that this is all new to him. He is used to us talking and he writes a response. We are now changing that to we communicate using his method. We should strive to do this as often as possible. * Expect some excitement or off task behaviors as he explores and discovers a whole new world.