Paired Reading Presentation of Certificates January 9th 2014
What we think. We found that in class pupils have been more keen to read. The pupils are more selective when choosing books. It has given the children an opportunity to read a range of books from a number of authors – shared their recommendations. Children's confidence in own ability has improved. An improvement in fluency of reading. They have enjoyed taking part. High support from home.
Reading Ages Average increase of 9.26 months 0 – 4 months34% 5 – 8 months24% 9 – 12 months16% 12+ months26%
Pupil Comments I was able to read even harder books. I got to spend time with mum. I love to read more now. I would like another 6 weeks of it. The adult would help you sound out the words. I enjoyed reading different books and I put one on my Santa list. It introduced me to new books.
Pupil Comments We got to pick our own books and I enjoyed trying hard to read them. I liked reading interesting books with interesting words in them. I learned new words. I enjoyed choosing new books and what’s going to happen next in the story.
Some Points For Consideration. Timing of meetings Have Paired Reading as an addition rather than instead of.
Parent Overview Majority believe that children reading more and had a better understanding of what they read. Many noted that children were more confident when reading. Generally agree that children had benefited in some form or other from Paired Reading. Consider a wider selection for the future.
Comments From Parents It helped identify areas she might need help in. It was a great opportunity to hear her reading for an extended period of time. I can see a big improvement in both speed and expression. I noticed him picking up his book and reading it himself. It gave her the opportunity to choose different kind of books. For the first time ever he has asked to be bought some books.
More comments from parents She looked forward every night to reading a book. He gave hard books a go. His brother couldn’t resist listening in and we looked forward to doing it. She enjoyed being responsible for choosing her own books.
It’s Not All Perfect! She did not enjoy reading out loud. The reading aloud together was difficult. It was hard at times getting a book pitched at the right interest level. The timings of the parent meetings did not suit. Wider selection of books.
What Now ? “On easy material children practise the skills they have and build up fluency.” Marie Clay.
What Now ? Paired reading books have stretched children’s reading. Children still need time to enjoy three types of books: Under the Pillow Books – very familiar/comfort books. A comfortable level book to practise reading. Every so often a book to extend/stretch the child.
Presentation of Certificates!