© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, Holiday Schedule Sample comprised of 469 randomly selected HR professionals. Analyzing 469 of s sent, s were received (response rate = 18%). Survey fielded February 7 – February 13, 2006; presentation generated on February 14, Margin of error is +/- 4.0%.
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 In 2006, which of the following holidays will your organization observe by closing its offices? Note: 4% of HR professionals indicated that their organizations would not close for any holidays in 2006; 5% indicated that they followed the U.S. Government’s holiday schedule.
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 In 2006, which of the following holidays will your organization observe by closing its offices? ChoiceCountPercent of Sample Christmas Day % Thanksgiving Day % Independence Day % New Year's Day % Memorial Day % Labor Day % Day after Thanksgiving % Day before Christmas % President’s Day % Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr % Good Friday % Veterans Day6513.9% Columbus Day408.5% Day after Christmas337.7% Floating Holidays235.4% Day before New Year’s Day235.4% Day before Independence Day204.8% U.S. President Inauguration Day61.3% Other (please specify):174.0%
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Responses to the “Other” please specify option 1/2 Day New Year's Eve 1/2 day on Christmas Eve 1/2 day on Good Friday 2 additional personal days 3 days after Christmas 3 more days 3 personal days 3 personal days of choice 7/03 and 4/17 as paid holidays! A floating holiday of employee's choice Also have Dec as holiday along with 3 floaters April 20 & 21, The Fridays before Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and BIRTHDAY Birthday Birthday and 1 Floating Birthday as a floating holiday. Birthday of Employee Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve Christmas Eve thru New Years Day Day after Christmas 12/26 and 4 floating holidays Day after Christmas as it fall on Monday and 2 Floating Holidays Day after Easter Day before Independence Day + one floating holiday Days between Christmas through New Year's Days between Christmas and new years Dec 26 and one floating holiday Dec26-Dec28 December 26-29, 2006 Easter Sunday Employee's Birthday Floater to be taken President's Day, Good Friday, Monday following Easter,
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Responses to the “Other” please specify option Founders Birthdays Four personal holidays Holiday Shut Down between Christmas & New Year's Jan 2, July 3, 2 Floating Holidays Kamehameha Day Mardi Gras Mardi Gras Day & 2 floating holidays O/A April 16 (day after tax season) Oaks Day (Kentucky Derby) One company designed day which for '06 is Monday, July 3rd and one Personal Holiday (employee's elect).. One extra One floating holiday Patriot's Day Personal Choice Holiday Personal Day Personal floating holiday Pioneer Day (Utah state holiday) Primary & General Election Day Shutdown between Christmas and New years, day after 4th Shutdown from day before Christmas until day after New Year’s Day. Spring Holiday Tuesday, December 26 Varies every year We also have 5 Bucknell Holidays when offices are closed We are closed on Sunday and Monday except Nov. and Dec as well we are closed the week after Christmas and re-open the day after the New Year Week between Christmas and New Year's Week between Christmas and New Year’s
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=367
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=440
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=437
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=411
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=357
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=444
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=360
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=354
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? n=440
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Of the following holidays in 2006, for which will your organization’s offices be closed, close early or remain open? HolidayOffices closedOffices close earlyOffices remain open Monday, July 3 rd 22.1%9.3%68.7% Tuesday, July 4 th 96.8%0.2%3.0% Thursday, November 23 rd 92.9%3.0%4.1 Friday, November 24 th 75.7%1.0%23.4% Friday, December 22 nd 16.2%24.1%59.7% Monday, December 25 th 97.3%0.9%1.8% Tuesday, December 26 th 35.3%0.6%64.2% Friday, December 29 th 13.8%17.2%68.9% Monday, January 1 st, %0.0%2.7%
© 2006 SHRM SHRM Weekly Online Survey: February 7, 2006 Online Resources – Holiday Toolkit - ed/CMS_ asp ed/CMS_ asp Compressed Workweek - ed/CMS_ asp ed/CMS_ asp Alternative Work Schedule - s_published/CMS_ asp s_published/CMS_ asp Religious holidays and accommodations - ves/CMS_ asp ves/CMS_ asp