Warmup 9/8/15 A catalyst is something that helps something else get started, but doesn't get used up in the process. How can the Holy Spirit be a catalyst in your life? Objective Tonight’s Homework Define a catalyst and explain how they work in our bodies None
All About Catalysts Our job today is to learn about catalysts. What’s a catalyst? Your first task is to learn just that. Read the normal text in your book on pages 54 and 57. After a few minutes, we’ll discuss as a class.
All About Catalysts We’re discussing catalysts here in chemical terms, but they can be something more generic too. For example: “At the peace talk, there was a man who was tempting each leader to fight the other. Soon, war broke out. I guess you could say the man was a catalyst for war”
All About Catalysts We’re discussing catalysts here in chemical terms, but they can be something more generic too. For example: “At the peace talk, there was a man who was tempting each leader to fight the other. Soon, war broke out. I guess you could say the man was a catalyst for war” Your job for the rest of class is to come up with some sort of practical example of a catalyst with a partner, and then illustrate, expand, or detail it in some way. Make these look good. We’ll put them up in the room and use them later to remind ourselves of this term.
Exit Question Which of the following is an accurate definition of activation energy? a) The energy a cell uses to “activate” or turn on b) The energy or heat needed to get a reaction started c) The energy you get when you activate a machine d) The energy made by an explosion “activating” e) The energy that keeps living things alive f) There is no such thing as activation energy