P.A.W.S. Pet Advocates Working in Sarasota Presented by Danielle Hughes, Child Protection Center, Inc. Special Guests…ADD DOGS
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History of P.AW.S. Owner of a certified (now retired) Pet Therapy Dog Harley Duke
History Continued… National Child Protection Training Center (NCPTC). “A Children's Courtroom Bill of Rights: Seven Pre-Trial Motions Prosecutors Should Routinely File in Cases of Child Maltreatment" (November 2008).” TASK Manual In 2009, FL Statute Passed. Judicial or other proceedings involving victim or witness under the age of 16 or person with mental retardation; special protections; use of registered service or therapy animals.
Child Protection Center, Inc. We have two sets of animal advocates; Greeting children and families at the Child Protection Center prior to therapy. 12 th Judicial Circuit State Attorney Offices Pre-filing interviews (PFI) Deposition Pre and Post testimony Witness stand with victim
Trainings/Certification Certified through a recognized pet therapy program. National Organizations: Delta Society, now Pet Partners; Therapy Dogs Inc.; Therapy Dogs International;
Raven and Eileen
Gary and Carolyn
Ruby, Sunny, Luann and Gail
Fiona Marie and Diane
Allergies Fear of Animals Aggressive or Aversion to Animals No One is Forced to Interact with the Animal Handler and Animal is not to be left alone with a child