The End of WWI
4 years of trench warfare have turned the war into one of attrition (a wearing down or weakening as a result of continuous pressure or harassment)
In March of 1917 Czar Nicholas II abdicated the throne and the Russian revolution took hold. Russia stopped all fighting. The Czar and his entire family are eventually executed. The Czar executed. The Czar executed.
The United States enters the war at the end of Fresh troops and resources are invaluable to the allies
Winter 1918 ~ People are rioting in Germany. They do not have a “homefront” supplying them with food and weapons like Canada is for the Allies.
Spring 1918 ~Germany attempts a final offensive to win the war. Massive attacks occur along the western front. final offensivefinal offensive
The Austria-Hungary empire and the Ottoman empire are both collapsing.
The German offensive is stopped and food riots continue in German cities
Summer 1918 ~ Allied counter – offensive
Canada’s 100 Days to Victory
Fall 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II abdicates and flees to Holland
November 11, 1918 November 11, 1918 Eleventh hour of the eleventh day or the eleventh month an armistice takes effect ending all fighting.
The World Celebrates
Post-War Europe Europe ► Cities in ruin ► Millions Dead ► The Czar Dead ► The Kaiser Gone ► U.S. Emerges ► Communism takes hold ► New map is drawn ► Foundation for WWII is laid